14 February 2018

Record of meeting 14 February 2018

The writers

Terry, Helene, Jo, Pat, Jenni, Pauline, Cath

The words of the day

Daunting – intimidating

Opaque – impervious to light           

Disabuse – undeceived, relieve

Demean – loss of dignity, to lower

Hoot – loud sound of disapproval, like an owl

Decathect – withdraw feelings of attachment in anticipation of future loss

Dissolute – lewd, sensually unbridled, licentious, morally lax

Writing from words of the day

The writers were not daunted or demeaned and hooted with laughter as they read out stories about Sarina, Unseen, Cynical remarks, Catching him out, Loved to go out drinking, Walking through and Barnaby Joyce.

Reading of homework
Six stories were read out on the topics - Should I write the truth, Trapped by a dishwasher, Dual citizenship, Behind a desk, My own wedding and In the dugout.

Exercise 6 from A novel in a year – Louise Doughty - Chose a country, create a fictional character

The writers wrote a paragraph including the name, age and ethnic background on the following characters - George a car mechanic in Devon, Enrique sugar cane farmer, Carsus from  a Subterranian city  of the USA, Suzanna from Canada, Rudolf from Russia, Wanda from Port Moresby and Vladimir from Russia.

Exercise – What was one thing you always as a child but never actually got to have Or the smallest kindest act of kindness you experienced?

The writers shared experiences and wrote about - Given time to change uniforms, I wanted to go to Homebush High, My own pushbike and A China doll.

Homework Chapter 7 from A novel in a year – Louise Doughty

Write a paragraph from the point of view of a character living in the past. Do some research, look at booklets, pamphlets or newspapers. Feel free to take a step on from the foreign country exercise today.

Louise Doughty suggests a character based piece. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the first person or third, past or present tense. Be as wide ranging in your style and content as you like.

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