Record of meeting 16th November, 2016
The Writers:
Wendy, Terry, Di, Pauline, David, Cath.
The following “B” words were used with imagination to bestow varied stories on bemused listeners
Brandish – to wave fiercely/defiantly
Besotted – infatuated
Boobook – an owl
Bewray – divulge unintentionally
Banal – unoriginal/ordinary
Bellicose – aggressive/ready to fight
David: Challenging the owl
Pauline: It was all on DVD
Terry: The battle of William Wallace
Wendy: Barry the Barista
Cath: A lecture on the Boobook
Di: The Boobook cull
The ‘’B” homework
Terry: The gym athletes
Pauline: What will be will be
David: Bernard the behemoth policeman versus Billy the thief
Juan – although absent: A letter from Santa – Bugger all this year.
The exercise: Using as the first words - I blinked, blinked again - write a poem or story.
Pauline: An unearned gift
David: The robbery
Terry: Wednesday memories
Wendy: Stomach blues
Di: Confused dreaming
Cath: The tiger
Next week’s Homework: Using words beginning with ‘’C’’ to write a story or poem.