The writers
Wendy, Cath, Juan,
Helene, Roslyn, Lynn, Elizabeth, Terry, David C
Words of the day - partially staring with the letter P
Poltroon –
Potential - possibility
Desultory –
digress from
Pitapat – quick
succession of beats
Portal – large
doorway, window
Poignant –
affecting your senses
Hostler - in charge of vehicles and machines
Pot-pouri - a mixture of rose petals, spices etc
Writing from words of the day
The writers
purloined the words of the day and pummelled them into the following
propaganda: Helene – In Parliament House, Wendy – When I met a hustler, Cath –
Emotions, Roslyn – Birds on the roof, Juan – A friend from childhood, Lynn –
Tiny feet, Terry – From the Parson – a great poem, David – In a dreamlike state
and Elizabeth memories.
Five pedantic
writers produced the following perfect homework: Roslyn - Ten men at my feet,
Juan – A most memorable trip to Mars, David – My first holiday, Elizabeth – Never caught
a fish and Helene – Sugar sweet holidays.
Young Writers Competition - learn, grow, hope, resiliance
to Juan who organised for Tim and Fiona from
the Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention and Awareness Network (SSPAN) and Kathryn
from Headspace, who facilitated a workshop to assist us in the process of evaluating entires in the Young Writers Competition. The group was extremely interested and enthusiastically discussed relevant issues.
Entries in the competition close on 16 September 2016. We will continue to discuss the judging of entries and develop procedures.
Entries in the competition close on 16 September 2016. We will continue to discuss the judging of entries and develop procedures.
Homework for 24 August 2016
Write a memoir
about something starting with the letter H.
Select a word of the
day starting with the letter H