20 June 2018

Record of meeting 20 June 2018

The writers

Helene, Trevor, Terry, Fran, Pat, Cath and welcome to John

The words of the day

Portugal – a country

Cimmerian – darkness

Turophile – lover of cheese   

Chiromancy – palm reading

Demeanour – outward appearance, behaviour

Hybrid – made of 2 different combined elements

Glory – magnificent, splendour, wonder, exaltation

Troglodyte – a hermit or person regarded as being deliberately ignorant

 Writing from words of the day

The writers emerged from the darkness and wrote about - Very soon, Jake, She was tall, Kevin had a slave, A different time, I don’t speak football and The last word again.

Reading of homework

Four writers read their homework on the topics Clancy, This will change my life, Waiting in line and What a bloody cheek.

Exercise – the otherness of night time

The writers  wrote about experiences at night - Scare off the intruders, A pounding heart, Leave it to the SES, A face at the window, I’ll think about that tomorrow, Half asleep and The handy baseball bat.

Exercise - Last chance honey

The writers used the phrase Last chance honey and wrote about - Back with the band, Their own butler, One eyed Jack, An angelic creature, Starting afresh and Flipped a coin.

Christmas in July lunch

Wednesday 11 July 12 noon at the Chinese Restaurant at the Vincentia Golf Club. Current and former members welcome.


Exercise 13 from page 138 of ‘A novel in a year” by Louise Dougherty.  Give your character an obstacle, puzzle or challenge as she struggles through the maze of your book.