Once more into the breach, into the unknown world of the Bay and Basin Writer’s Group.
News of the Day
Melisa Nothing comes to mind
Terry Writing Poetry with a logical mind set
David C Moving On
Leonie Collecting her Mother
Elizabeth Visited a 100 year young friend and the Buddhist Temple
Jo Appointments are wearing her down Permanent Terminal but not Depressed
Cath A Homebody week
Wendy Her procedure cancelled yet again maybe next week
David R Back swimming with the Dolphins
Melisa Hegira Journey to escape a dangerous situation
Terry Acquiesce To go with the flow
David C Paltry Worthless, not very much
Leonie Facetious Playfully flippant non hurtful remarks
Elizabeth Satanic Diabolic
Jo Spoonful As much as a spoon holds
Cath Inanition Empty exhaustion from lack of nourishment
Wendy Nellie pot Shoeless barefooted
David R Diddly Squat Very little, non consequential
Quick write using the words of the day
Melisa Escape from a Cult
Terry Sleeping with Poetry
David R Poetic delirium
Leonie Camping with dire consequences
Elizabeth Soul searching
Jo Leaving Kings Cross behind
Cath How to use all the words
Wendy Poem of sandcastles in the air
David C Brilliantly written a gem of a short story {I am writing this blurb}
Homework In Five Years Time Where will I be What will I be doing
Terry Poem about Memories and hopes to be achieved
David C No end in sight
Melisa 5---To---15 you could end up in the Hudson River
David R Diddly Squat and wishful thinking
Wendy Growing old Disgracefully
Cath Will tell all in five years time
Jo Hopes to be finished her killer of a book
Elizabeth Retiring with Style and Grace
Leonie The new depression is coming
Smoko Tea and biscuits or coffee and cookies
Short exercise Sing to me I cried
Melisa CPR for a bird that could not sing
David R Sing like the Angels
Wendy Heaven and Elvis wait for me
Cath Tessa and Mum catch a song bird
Jo Under water Songstress
Elizabeth My Sunny Valentine
Leonie Mum and Baby
David C Maudling along
Terry Stuffed bird in a gilded cage
Homework Without the Book He couldn’t possibly --------dot dot dot