08 June 2018

Meeting 6th June 2018

Attendance...Terry, Helene, Jo, Trevor

Cartel..............an association formed to regulate pricing
Dinosaur.........outdated person
Imbibe............drink (alcohol)
Grapple..........tackle a problem
Demeaning....causing loss of dignity

Writings from these words.
A view from the pavement, A superior air, Writing a poem, I tried.

a) Using words...war, balderdash, horseshoes, marbles, tag, spit
b) A one star restaurant
c) Worst food when growing up

Homework...Write about finding a gum tree around which was a chain???

NOTE...We decided to hold our "Xmas in July" lunch at the Vincentia Golf Club at 12 noon prior to writing meeting.
Date yet to be decided.

Meeting 30th May 2018

Attendance..Trevor, Helene, Pauline, Terry

Philosopher...theorist, dreamer
Aspiring........ambitious, hopeful
Peptide..........combination od amino acids
Pomelo.........a citrus fruit
Manouche....style of jazz
Prodigious...impressively great
Demistify.....resolve, simplify understanding of something

The writers wrote about...switching channels, the Earth will peel, Falling off the stage, Circular breathing.

Homework...Exercise 10 from "A Novel in a Year" about a main character