03 June 2015

Record of meeting 3 June 2015

The writers 

Wendy, Cath, Terry, Pauline, David C, Elizabeth, Leonie, Geoff, Lynn and welcome to Clare and Vivienne

The words of the day

Fulminate = criticise or denounce
Duplicitous = deceitful behaviour
Misogamy = hatred of marriage
Forefend = avert or keep off
Accrue = gain or collect
Astringent = cleansing, austere, severe
Prophetic = looking into the future
Impromptu = without prior planning
Mercurial = quick, changeable, volatile
Surreptitious = clandestine
Quintessential = pure and concentrated in nature, fifth essence
Procaffeinating = tendency to not start anything until after a cup of coffee

The stories from words of the day

We created duplicitous and quintessential stories and poems from our words of the day – A Men’s Meeting, A little bit mental, Before the house, First sip – read with passion, Impending doom, A leaky boat, No other than a man and a woman, Close the door, Dealing with life, Rare moments and Trapping men.

The reading of homework

Eight mercurial writers read their homework - Caving, Imprisoned in black, The blessed world of publishing, Dog paddling, The old lift, Lost head, A hint of anxiety and They are extinct.

The exercise - topic waiting

We used the word waiting to write stories and poems on the subjects Professional waiting, Green cap and gown, Cut the legs off, Alone with my thoughts, A pleasure, The ballet dream, Don’t be slow, Smarten up, There’s cool, Very still, My daughter will be here,

The exercise – topic losers using three word sentences

We wrote about losers of weight, time, lotteries,status etc

The homework
