David R, Jo, Wendy
W, Helene, Garry , Leonie, David C, Cath,
Words of the day
Leonie – razzia =
a hostile incursion or pillage
Jo – apache = a
violent lawless hoodlum
Robyn – precocious
= advanced
David C - Brogue =
accent of the Irish/Scottish and a shoe made out of one piece of leather
Cath -congruent =
harmonious agreement
Wendy W –
insouciant = carefree, nonchalant
Helene - Chauvinism
= irrational belief that ones own country, race, group, or sex is superior
David R –
anachronism = belonging to another period
Wendy – I don’t
care. Cath – the next battle. David C – the upstart. Robyn – head dress. Jo –
successful mission. Leonie – beaten by brogues. Garry
– don’t touch the Abbott. David R – Razzia the racehorse – a great poem.
David C – Jeremy’s
winter adventure – a mountain change a funny story. Helene – lunch and
breakfast. David R – Family Christmas dinner with feudadynamics. Garry told us the story of how we got picnics and
make up. Leonie – the next generation organising an event with love and affection. Jo – no family meals
here. Robyn – a picnic and surprises for the family.
Meeting at Café Overboard Ulladulla Wednesday
14 October 2012
David C to
organise the meeting on Wednesday 14 November 2012 at Café Overboard. Plan is to leave
the church at 12:30 pm and be back by 4 pm. Helene to give an updated email
list to David and David will send an email to all on the list.
Wendy W read her
children’s poem “George and Barry” very cute.
David R read
letters to the Argus newspaper from two Rudder brothers who had served in the
Boer War.
We did a
progressive write using words that sound the same.
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