10 February 2016

Record of meeting 10 February 2016

The writers

Wendy, Helene, David C, Terry, Elizabeth, Lynn, Di, Juan, welcome back to Trish and welcome to Roz

The words of the day    

Panoply = a splendid display  
Counterfeit = make to deceive 

Lucid = clear and easily understood

Atrocious = very bad, wicked, cruel

Cheiloscopy = study of lip prints

Flailed = whipped or waved about wildly

Jocund = marked by high spirits and laughter

Crackerjack = exceptionally good, a tasty treat

Impeach = to call to account or bring to account

Pannel = In Scotland the accused person or member of the jury in a court

Writing from words of the day

The writers took the panoply of words and created the following lucid cracker jack stories and poems - Eating an unpeeled onion, I have been impeached, The restaurant, On the nose, In the court, Melting candy floss, False evidence, All because of his lip prints, Words on show a great poem from Terry and Spoiling the goods

Reading of homework

Six forensically minded writers wrote on the topics - Patterns in the dust, Definitions of murder, terrorism and corruption, Things are not as they seem, The perfect plan, Premeditated crime and The Trespasser.

Forensic presentation

Terry led a discussion of a suicide scene covering the use of Physical and trace evidence, Fibre and soil analysis. In particular we discussed the use of non recycled paper, wellington boots providing evidence, smashing of a window, only one print on the glass, fibres on one side only, two different type of scotch, share market evidence, fingerprints too perfect and indentations on the carpet

Changes to dates for forensic topics

The following timetable will apply

20 Feb – David C – Identity theft, Touch DNA, Bite marks, Tyre tracks

27 Feb – Lynn – Toxicology


Based on Terry’s presentation above explain how investigators proved it wasn’t a suicide. Or write on the topic - things are not as they seem.