The writers
The cold winds did
not discourage Terry, Juan, Roslyn, Wendy, Cath, Pauline, Lynn, Leonie, Helene,
David C and Di from attending.
Kris sent an email
saying farewell for now.
Thanks to Wendy for organising our Christmas in July lunch and thanks to Juan for playing Santa.
Thanks to Wendy for organising our Christmas in July lunch and thanks to Juan for playing Santa.
Words of the day
Halcyon = carefree
Miffed = annoyed,
Decimate = reduce
by 10%
Lurid = gaudy or
ghostly pale
Vociferous = noisy
or clamorous
Plutocratic =
governed by wealth
Decadent =
detonation of morality
Hoary = white or
greyish white frost
Privilege = a
right, immunity or benefit
Omnipresent =
present every where at the same time
Megalomaniac =
passion for appearing important, crazy
Writing from words of the days
The writers
grabbed the words of the day and rearranged them to create a range of
interesting stories and poems; Helene – The Cabinet, Wendy – the person next
door, Juan – Mr Charles Lindbergh, Roslyn – Older folk, Terry – he stood on the
stage, Lynn – To rule, Leonie – The opening of Parliament, Pauline – Boredom,
David – Donald Trump, Cath - Become accustomed and Di – Remove that child.
The cooler weather
has stimulated writing skills expressed in the following stories and poems; Helene
– Charm and beauty, Juan – Johnny, David
– The Real estate agent, Pauline – Tom Jones, Leonie – Angry and resentful,
Lynn – Pacing like a cat, Terry – Rick is likeable and Roslyn – A man living in
the bush.
Terry read out an
excellent poem submitted to the competition on Mental health by a 14 year old.
Terry also read
out a description of the Virgule – a little rod
Miss Understanding exercise
We finished a
story that started with “Miss Understanding opened a can of worms when …..
The writers
approached this exercise from very different angles as follows; Helene – Its
fiction, Di – she used her teeth, David – My mistake, Pauline – A can of
spaghetti, Lynn – Misplaced her instructions, Terry – Misses in the library,
Roslyn – Jumped over the counter, Juan – mixed up the book for a customer and
Wendy – She has sharp teeth.
- Write a short story or poem from your family
or your own life. Bring an item that relates to your story to the meeting on 10 August 2016.
- Select your word of the day starting
with the letter F for 10 August meeting.