22 March 2012

Record of meeting 21 March 2012

Present: Terry, Garry, Leonie, Mary, Wendy G, Helene, Wendy W, David R, Geoff and Di.

News: Garry had an email from Mandy with all good news and also good news about his sister’s health, Leonie has been to Melbourne to see her family and concreting of the driveway has finally been done at home. Mary went to a show in town last Wednesday and celebrated her birthday. Wendy also celebrated Mary’s birthday and is feeling better. Helene also had an email from Mandy saying they are happy in their new home. Wendy W is going to Nowra players next week. David R went to see the physio in Vincentia who gave him exercises to help his knees; he will also get hearing aids. Geoff had four days in Melbourne and had a reunion with people he used to work with 40 years ago and got a nice rejection on a story. Terry will have a stand at the “Shoalhaven on show” on Friday 24 March at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre and talked about his Wildlife rescue work. Di has found the house she is renovating is not worth as much as she had hoped.

Words of the day:
Gary goodification = noun the best.  Leonie – detritus = rubbish, debrie, particles or grains. Mary – bespoke = an item custom made. Wendy – halcyon = gentle calm. Helene – albedo (/ælˈbd/), or reflection coefficient, derived from Latin albedo "whiteness" (or reflected sunlight), in turn from albus "white", is the diffuse reflectivity or reflecting power of a surface. Wendy W - fatuous – silly moronic. David R – outraspective = opposite of introspective used to describe to listen to others and look out to others. Geoff – imbue = to infuse, fill or inspire. Terry – linguicide = disappearance of a language. Di – parlous = archaic, humorous, old fashioned dangerous.

Quick write from words of the day
We wrote about enjoying the sun and the beach, albedo clouds and the shed, the goodies on cruises, detritus in the garden, down by the river and the beach with white statues.

Mary - Lars the warrior a reason to fight. Helene – teenage logic. Wendy – sorry for saying you are fat. David R – enjoys being mischievous. Terry – didn’t see the old lady in the wheelchair. Di – I didn’t drink the gin. Garry – Odelia in the orphanage thinking of good things. Leonie – I wish I could write my grandson a story and I’m sorry mum.

David R described two characters and a situation for us to write dialogue. We produced interesting and funny dialogue about controlling parents, grandparents, fortunes to be inherited and potential homelessness.

Good reading and writing 
Di recommende the book “The right to write” by Julia Cameron who also wrote "The artists way" both provide pratical and fun exercises to stimulate the creative process. Highly recommended to stimulate the creative process.

Terry will scan and send out information provided by Jo about publishers who are accepting unsolicited manuscripts.

Five minutes to go