Wendy, Cath,
Terry, Helene, Elizabeth, Lynne, Diane and welcome to new member Jenny
Words of the day
Glom – 1.to
grab, catch or steal 2.look or glimpse
Icon –
sacred image
Penumbra –
partial shade
Sapient –
wise or shrewd
Hoity-toity –
arrogant or haughty
Fawn – young
deer, colour or servile
Mull – think
about, wine, promontory, humus, spine book binding
Writing from words of the day
The writers
mulled over the words of the day and created sapient stories and poems: Helene
– An amazing family, Cath – The loot, Jenny- The whipper snapper, Lynn – A piece
of art, Elizabeth – At the auction, Terry – Not worth my time and Wendy – Why
did I bother.Reading of homework
Exercise - a view through a peek hole at night
Write about
your own or others compulsions or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)