13 April 2016

Record of meeting 13 April 2016

The writers

Wendy, Pauline, Roslyn, Helene, Di, Lynn, Helene, Leonie & David C

The words of the day

Drivel = senseless             

Copious = abundant
Feckless = irresponsible
Eminent = distinguished
Prognosticate = predict
Minatory = threatening
Juxtaposition = side by side
Footloose = free to go and travel about
Treaty = agreement, settlement, pact, deal, accord, contract, pledge

Writing from words of the day

The writers took the drivel that were the words of the day and wrote the following feckless stories - Arrogance, Power in politics, The parents, I don’t care, The professor, The indulgent professor, How I love travel, The lecturers and I like it.

Reading of homework

Six writers diligently wrote on the homework topic - David C – Dirty unwashed youth; Helene – The tea towel wars; Leonie - behind closed doors; Pauline – tales from the war in London; Ros - Foxy loxy; and Lyn – A true story.

Recommendation reading by Leonie

The article Quidnovi: why war? By Einstein and Freud

War words exercise

Lyn supervised us writing a journalist piece using the following words -

Attack, battlefield, counteroffensive, defend, exploitation, ferocious, guerrilla, death, suffering, hero, infiltrate, liberate, marauding, neutralise, orders, pre emptive, quell, reprisal, terrorise, uniform

The writers created a range of convincing journalistic pieces - Helene - Marauding dog attack, Wendy - Death of a child, Pauline - Battle at the card tables, Ros – The fight of the cakes, Lynn – The Broken Hill under 6 team, David C – Political Warriors, Elizabeth - In school uniforms with stones and dirt.


Write about the enemy