16 November 2011

Record of meeting 16 November 2011

Present: Leonie, Terry, Geoff, Helene, Gary, Mandy, Wendy, David C.

News: Leonie – Chaos continues with her house building. Terry – had a great weekend drooling at a car show in Canberra. Geoff – has had a quiet week. Helene has a new lap top. Gary has been listening to poetry for Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. Mandy –got her friend into a nursing home and has been baking for the weekend. Wendy’s mum who is 84 years old is coming out from the UK for a 12 week visit. David C – was late for the meeting as he was waiting for confirmation of a trip to NZ in 2012.

Word of the day
Geoff - Ineluctable – unavoidable, inevitable. Helene - a palimpsest a parchment written upon twice. Gary – arrant – adjective – absolute, utter, downright.  Mandy lackadaisical – lazy and careless in a dreamy way, thoughtful. Wendy – Mickey Finn a saloon keeper at the lone star Saloon in Chicago who drugged his customers to rob them. David C – mututable – subject to change or changeable. Leonie – whorl – one turn of a spiral, small wheel of a spindle, ring of leaves around a stem. Vernix – coating of a baby’s body when born. Terry – augur – comes from a high ranking priest who made predictions – foretelling of the future.

Quick write from our words
Gary wrote about the slap. Mandy wrote about nurses at play. Wendy hit him with a shoe. David C was with Jenny on a romantic island. Leonie wrote about the delivery. Terry took us in the snow. Geoff used anti aging cream. Helene wrote about the funeral of Mickey Finn.

Reading of homework
Gary read a story of an emergency in Wollongong hospital. Mandy who an overachiever wrote 3 stories and shared one - The day Jim grew up.  Wendy read a smart poem about the Push. Leonie told us about the birth of a baby in a car. Terry took us to jail in Bali. Helene shared the story of his grace and the priesthood.

          1. Write a story or poem about a treasured memory
     2. If you have not already done so bring in a piece of paper containing three things about yourself unknown by other members