News: Leonie – Chaos continues with her house building. Terry – had a great weekend drooling at a car show in Canberra . Geoff – has had a quiet week. Helene has a new lap top. Gary has been listening to poetry for Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. Mandy –got her friend into a nursing home and has been baking for the weekend. Wendy’s mum who is 84 years old is coming out from the UK for a 12 week visit. David C – was late for the meeting as he was waiting for confirmation of a trip to NZ in 2012.
Word of the day
Geoff - Ineluctable – unavoidable, inevitable. Helene - a palimpsest a parchment written upon twice. Gary – arrant – adjective – absolute, utter, downright. Mandy lackadaisical – lazy and careless in a dreamy way, thoughtful. Wendy – Mickey Finn a saloon keeper at the lone star Saloon in Chicago who drugged his customers to rob them. David C – mututable – subject to change or changeable. Leonie – whorl – one turn of a spiral, small wheel of a spindle, ring of leaves around a stem. Vernix – coating of a baby’s body when born. Terry – augur – comes from a high ranking priest who made predictions – foretelling of the future.
Quick write from our words
1. Write a story or poem about a treasured memory- 2. If you have not already done so bring in a piece of paper containing three things about yourself unknown by other members