22 June 2011

BLOG FOR 22ND JUNE 2011-06-22

Dave Cargill. David Rudder. Mandy Byrne. Geoff Bolton. Melissa Ehrhardt  Leonie Worthy. Terry McLafferty. LATE COMER. DI Hammer.

News from the Members.
David made a comment that for the first time there are more men than women.Then Di arrived and evened the score.
Terry. He has a trailer sail and came up with Aweigh With Words. We thought it was very appropriate.
Leonnie. Choosing furniture and stuff for her new home, exciting and worrying at the same time.
Melissa. Dressed in her purple beanie waiting to warm up had nothing to report.
Geoff. Went to see the Nowra Players  last night and enjoyed the play The Good Doctor. he said it was very enjoyable.
Mandy. Now in the best sellers list she has sold 5 books on Smashwords.She is waiting for her friends to buy one but it seems she doesn't have many friends. Boo Hoo!
Di; She has discovered the Golf Course at Vincentia and thinks she will have lots of fun up there.
David R. Took a trip on the new Nerriga road and went out towards Goulbourn but it didn't save him any time so it wasn't any quicker. He enjoyed the solitary time. Also he has occasional company from three brothers who sound very suspicious but they are better than having guard dogs he reckons.
We had a discussion about locals in the outback being great when they are needed, much nicer than anyone would imagine..
David Cargill. Has been looking at retirement homes at Coastal Waters. And he gave us all the low down on it, till we told him to shut up and get on with the meeting. We were very tactful of course.

Word of the Day.
Terry.  Desultory Something that is all over the place.
Leonie. Spume. Refers to froth on top of a wave.
Melissa. Mordacious. Biting sarcasm or an animal or person given to biting.
Geoff. Egregious. Guilding the Lily saying something hollow when they are trying to do two things at once.Our Pollies who have two jobs do this often.
Mandy. Mellifluous. Smooth or sweet.
Di. Jocose. Meaning Jocular sort of person.or a jocose moment.
David. Promulgate. To promote or make widely known an idea or cause. Or to put into law by proclamation. 
David C. Flotsam and Jetsam. Flotsam is from a ship wreck. and Jetsam is something that has been thrown overboard that is not needed. Deliberately thrown away. Stuff washed up on a beach can be either.

Homework. We had three phases. A Sinister Man. a Stolen Ring and Fear of Spiders.
The  Sinister Man. By Mandy Byrne. A true Story about a visit to Centrelink.
Geoff. Arachnecide  A story about a spider in the bathroom.  See the story on our Blogg Bay and Basin Writers Stories.
Melissa. My Cousin Kenny. A good short story.
Leonie. Finished off her last weeks homework. Aerobics. Avery poignant short story we all think it is wonderful and would like to print it out.
Terry. The Sad Story of Unhappy Billy. A short confusing story. Dealing with tautology.  
David. Cargill. My Great Grandpa. A great little story about a stolen ring.
David Rudder. Theft. Arachnophobia. and the Sinister Stranger. A Poem. that included all the phases very cleverly done..
Di. The Stolen Ring. A poem. Well written fantasy

Exercise by Terry. Read out a story and we had to pick out the tautology in it. There were over 57.
Quick Write. A Way with words.

Helene set up a blogg for our stories. Go to Bay and Basin Writers Stories. to view them.I have to look this up as I have never used it before.
We all wrote something and it seems that David C is a bit preoccupied with sex at the moment. Must be his age.
Homework.  Identical Twins A Party Invitation. A Locked closet. Use all or some of these words to do homework. If you don't do it you are not excommunicated just frowned upon so do come, even if it is just to be frowned upon.
Jo is not well so we hope she is better soon as we miss her. Where are Cathy, Vala and Robyn and our other new ladies??? A note of apology will suffice. .