26 November 2014

Record of meeting 26 November 2014

Remember Christmas lunch
Tuesday 2 December 12 noon
Pelican restaurant and café St Georges Basin


News of the week

David C received an unexpected delivery of a large tree. Di had more problems with her van. Geoff has been in Tokyo, Santiago etc for a couple of weeks. Jo no news. Cath had a swim at the beach. Terry saw the Wizard of Oz by the Albatross Theatre Company. Wendy had two sons visiting. Helene announced that the road from Nowra to Canberra through Tarago is now sealed; the Turpentine Road may be sealed soon. David R has had three frogs in his house recently, one in the cream. Leonie has been busy writing, doing some art work but not river thinking. Pauline has been on a pleasant cruise to New Caledonia.

Word of the day

Abrogate = to cancel, to repeal

Altruistic = concern for others

Competency = skilled

Deligious = drink or desert like a religious experience

Surreptitious = in secret

Killick = a stone anchor

Perdition = complete and utter ruin

Egregious = outstandingly bad

Taciturn = uncommunicative in speech

Elixir = medicinal remedy for disease or magical potion

Pinnacle = apex ending in a cone, top

Stories from words of the day

We used the exciting list of words and created the following great stories
Leonie – Commendation

Pauline – The chocolate liquor

David C – The wine maker

Diana – The sage

Geoff – The road to hell

Jo – Youthful expectations

Cath – Work for the Red Cross

Terry – Argo looked down

Wendy – If I drink this

Helene – Parliament House Dining room

David R – Boomerang words

Reading of homework

David R - Perceptions

Helene – Life and light

Terry – Country life

Cath – The farm life

Jo – Cold as ice

David C – A cruise on “The sea spray”

Pauline – A social worker selfie

Leonie – A glimpse from the past

Garry – HMAS Landy


Terry read his story of the interview by Tiny Weiner of Ivor Willy.

Exercise – write about a body part you don’t like

We created some great body part stories, with the lower parts of the body most unpopular

Jo – my head

Cath – my noses, eyes etc

Terry – My gammy knee

Wendy – Eyebrows

Helene – I’m not photogenic

David R – Deformed toes

Leonie – My big fat belly

Pauline – If my legs were longer

David C – I wish I had more facial hair

Dianne – My belly

Geoff – My left knee


It’s me she wants to purchase