Geoff: Forum on l7th July and has a metaphor collection. Not everyone has one of those! Interesting.
David R.: Rates rise, it did happen - has begun guitar lessons, wants to know how to avoid sore fingers -is only a learner, but he just had to ... '"The 'G' String" ... alright knowing it David, but what are you going to do with it?
Cath: Getting new glasses from IMB.
Leonie: Done a lot of writing, correcting, brought together a former story and finished it off. Began a quilt for a friend.
Jo: Had her eye done. Horrible experience.
Elizabeth: A neighbour drove her to Iluka and she saw three whales.
Terry: He and Virginia went to Cambewarra and was overcome by the lookout.
Trevor: Made carrot soup that he thought was amazing. Made us hungry. A Soup King, not many of us can be that!
Lyn: Robyn's operation - Lyn helped her. Has retouched her own windows.
Wendy: I think she saw 'Cinderella'. Christmas in July search for venue not exactly easy to find one.
David C: His Dentist got sick, he saw another one and was very pleased with the work.
Words of the Day.
chunter: to mutter, grumble, complain.
crick: stiff neck - to give a crick to someone.
blunderbuss: a short gun firing balls or slugs.
sedulous: hard-working, diligent.
precocious: unusually advanced for age.
prosaic: ordinary, dull or everyday.
emblematic: heraldic device - symbolic object.
faze: to worry or irritate.
forfend: to avert or turn aside.
portenteous: ominous, monstrous, foreseen.
feign: pretend, simulate, sham.
Write-Word Exercise:
Geoff: A new flag - we should think about it. He wants a flag of gum-tree colours.
David R.: A man like any man with a wooden leg.
Wendy: Made a speech, she forced them to accept her.
Lyn: Indian Princess and John Smith.
Trevor: The Curator. A Collection.
Terry: He keeps talking no matter what. He thinks he is one of the mob. (couldn't hear who 'he' was).
Elizabeth: Gordon had a twin brother, they were opposites, Gordon blunderbussed his brother.
Jo: A boy who wants to be an actor, his father wants him to play rugby.
Leonie: A teacher who chooses his favourites. Two kids who pretend to listen.
Cath: Don had the blunderbuss. Teaches everyone a lesson.
David C.: Himself a sedulous child! Uses a blunderbuss to swat a fly. A real crick!
It was 'Prehistoric' but not everyone did it.
David C: Began reading with 'The Devil's Orifice'. Part One. People going into a foul place - in Himalayas. Forboding place, stank of rotten flesh. Everyone keep together! Danger! Unisex toilets! Mmm... Men and women argue, Henry was torn to pieces. I think the unisex toilets ate him.
Cath: 'Prehistoric'. A boy becoming a man - they all make a canoe, one moon to go to manhood. A group picture of prehistory.
Leonie: A treatise on prehistory. How we look back at it. Why we are, how we are, today.
Jo: Prehistoric - a nursery rhyme about slime coming out and becoming Man.
Terry: Nomads. He knocked a bloke (out) who wasn't human. Terry is frightened, this is terrible, Wally suddenly pulled off his mask and they were friends again.
Trevor: The Poet Laureate and the Don. Tennyson and his connection to the Governor of South Australia.
Lynn: Run, Rudd, Run. The red tide.
Wendy: I think it is hers. 'The older generation can teach the younger, and win points too.
Helene: Prehistoric. She found prehistoric pillows under pillow protectors.
Fifi is at it again. Going for a walk with Gigi - she likes music - Helene hurt her leg, or Fifi did, She's the one who is blamed for it all anyway. Dingoes going to get her. I think that is a good idea. But, damned Fifi saves the day.
David R: Went to Nurse's (?). A blood sucker, Doctor Death came. They are going to send him to a museum. (Seems to be a good place, eh, readers?)
Gary: A prehistoric Australian. A true story. Dawa, a teenager long ago. The everyday life of aboriginal people.
Geoff: Prehistoric. Dinosaurs, millions of years. Creationists not in sync with the rest of us. Pre-history can be recent.
David read his poem, 'Echoes'.
Homework: In the Middle of Winter, or just 'Winter'.