Uncouth – lacking
in social skills, foul-mouthed
Sanctimonious –
self righteous, pretending to be religious, pious
Hebetude = mental
lethargy, dullness of mind
Sangfroid = calm
and cool
Volte-face = about
turn, about face, u turn
Wane = to decrease
in strength
Melliferous =
yielding or producing honey
Punctilious =
conscientious, on time, careful about small details
Halcyon = calm,
peace and happiness
Irredentist =
people who want to rewrite history, recovery of Italian places
Scepticism =
theory in philosophy that absolute knowledge is impossible
Maxim = a proverb,
rule of conduct, established principle
Geoff – Tony
Robyn – leaving
the country
Jo – judged
according to their crimes
Cath – it’s
Trish – getting
the contract
Leonie – needs
more honey
Wendy – the whole
Helene – religion
Lynn – the lad of
minimum effort
David R – sprayed
David C – Bullshit
David C – turned
around lots of old wife’s tales and waiting
David R – three
wives tails and I used to be a waiter
Helene – waiting
for Godo
Wendy – a magic
lotion – a great poem
Leonie – waiting
for a baby
Trish – waiting for
Cath – waiting for
Jo – a special
Christmas tree
Geoff – letters to
the editor about Tony Abbott and Nick Minchin
David R –
Inspiration a poem about a recovery group – the sick heal the healthy
We completed a
circular write with a few gems included.