11 June 2014

Meeting 11th June 2014

Present: David C., Pam, Elizabeth, Geoff, Helene, Cath, Terry, Wendy, Jo.

News:  Elizabeth has been busy with family, saw a friend after many years.
Geoff went to a Symphony Concert, in Sydney  - Metropolitan Orchestra - 'TMO', really good night's music.
Cathy was informed and asked about electronic mores.
Helene went pumping - we'll see the results in time ....
Wendy had an electricity plan run out, asked for offers from company - success was hers.
Terry went to Car Club event - good old bikes there.
Jo had male family members visit for days.  No comment.
Pam looking forward to attending Anthology Meeting, well-known Authors.  Shows us Coffs Harbour Writers' gave us on line.
Dave went to Wyong for birthday party - had an uneventful return, luckily.

Word of the Day.

Geoff:          sinecure - a cushy job
Cathy:          cacophony - noise, din
Helene:         slate - a fine-grained rock, to criticize
Wendy:         scrutate - to investigate
Terry:          disdain - scorn
Jo:              eighth
Pam:            reunees: people attending, viz. reunion.
Dave:           pshaw: (pron. shay) disdain
Elizabeth:      cataclysm: violent upheaval in Social or Political fields

'Word' stories.

Geoff:            The vagaries of Government and mention of other Prime         
Cathy:           The Earl drove away in his Rolls.
Helene:          Family members - ring-ins - not popular - restructure needed.
Wendy:          She treats staff badly - needs a lesson.
Terry:             A poem.  Prime Minister's mistakes - everyone pounces.
Jo:                 Punishing a would-be Prime Minister.
Pam:              Nonsense, she says - a trembling Constable - pshaw,pshaw.
Dave:              Members say, pshaw, pshaw!
Elizabeth:        He tried to get people together - didn't work - pshaw!


Gary:               Had to sing the story.  The Chairperson told Fifi ....
Wendy:            Poem.  A woman of substance - er - a transvestite, pardon.
Helene:            Hairs prickling in an unusual place.  Waxing on, she 
                    continued being female.  Asleep!
Terry:              A part of his book.  McCord, wants action in the office.  
                     Investigate thoroughly!!  P.C. Karen gets the message.
Jo:                  A woman has fright in a toilet. Leaves her husband.
Pam:               The Cheese'. A roomful of nasty faces, speaker, Eternal
                     Life - Tess turned into a winged creature.  A dream.
David:              Walking through a colourful house - a conversion gone
Elizabeth:         Turning copper coins into gold.  Sister wants to help him
                     out of trouble - a true story - he is now a Scientist.
Geoff:              Political - Republic here now, old Queen still here also.

If you wish to read about an Advanced Writers' Course, see site, Peter Cowan.  Also competitions on same site.  Western Australia.

There was a short discussion on the venue for a meal, it has been established as Tues. 22nd July, Vincentia Golf Club, 49 Murray St. at 12.30 pm For more info. contact Helene or Wendy.

We ended up the afternoon today on 'Anna Gram' puzzles.  Some did it, some didn't.  
We then did a progressive write.  Silly stuff, sometimes made sense, so is it us?

Homework for next Wednesday:  'QUICK, HIDE BEHIND THE SOFA'