Present: Geoff, Mandy, Wendy, David R, Terry, David C, Robyn, Helene, Leonie.
News: Mandy swore at some she should not have sworn at but all is forgiven. Wendy is going to the cherry festival in Young for 3 days, David R has had a kind angel to put on his surgical socks each morning. Terry watched the Polar Express DVD and really enjoyed it. David C has spent 3 glorious days with his daughter Kirsten. Robyn has returned from the best 4 weeks holiday in Tuncurry. Helene has had two trips to Canberra in the last week. Leonie’s kitchen is almost finished and has booked a removal date.
Words of the day:
Geoff – redound – to have an effect for good or ill, affects something, back and forth. Mandy paraphernalia – a collection of miscellaneous goods, given to a woman by her husband before marriage. Wendy – equable – tranquil or steady. David R - hubris – excessive pride or self confidence leading to nemesis. Terry – felicitate – to express good wishes, well chosen for the occasion. David C – callous – a noun or adjective hard. Robyn – narcarcistic. Helene pursed – to pucker or contract the lips into folds or wrinkles. Leonie – ostensible – to conceal the real, pretentiousWe used our words of the day to write about a difficult meeting, marriage, sorting an inheritance, Lord Gaylord, felicitations for a wife, a poem about the group, a poem of bile from the Bitch of Balmain and a bedroom incident.
Project reading
Geoff read his short story called Restraint – a wonderful description of a car accident, stolen money and a mystery letter.Come to our meeting to find out who am I in the writing group?
I was a supporting act for John Farnham
I removed my own braces Black humour is my downfall
I collect miniature clocks
I have an IQ of 154
I wanted to be a detective
I supported my student days playing in pop bands
I love tomato sauce on crumpets
I delivered a baby
My mother sang opera
I did Psychic card readings
I won a sailing championship at Avalon
I used to Tap dance
Write a story or poem on the topic of restraint due 14 December our last meeting this year.Reminder our group Christmas lunch on Wednesday 7 December at 12:30 pm. Contact Wendy for further details.