30 November 2011

Record of meeting 30 November 2011

Present: Geoff, Mandy, Wendy, David R, Terry, David C, Robyn, Helene, Leonie.

News:  Mandy swore at some she should not have sworn at but all is forgiven. Wendy is going to the cherry festival in Young for 3 days, David R has had a kind angel to put on his surgical socks each morning. Terry watched the Polar Express DVD and really enjoyed it. David C has spent 3 glorious days with his daughter Kirsten. Robyn has returned from the best 4 weeks holiday in Tuncurry. Helene has had two trips to Canberra in the last week. Leonie’s kitchen is almost finished and has booked a removal date.

Words of the day:
Geoff – redound – to have an effect for good or ill, affects something, back and forth. Mandy paraphernalia – a collection of miscellaneous goods, given to a woman by her husband before marriage. Wendy – equable – tranquil or steady.  David R - hubris – excessive pride or self confidence leading to nemesis. Terry – felicitate – to express good wishes, well chosen for the occasion. David C – callous – a noun or adjective hard. Robyn – narcarcistic. Helene pursed – to pucker or contract the lips into folds or wrinkles. Leonie – ostensible – to conceal the real, pretentious

We used our words of the day to write about a difficult meeting, marriage, sorting an inheritance, Lord Gaylord, felicitations for a wife, a poem about the group, a poem of bile from the Bitch of Balmain and a bedroom incident.

Reading of homework
David R – Chris Must – two poems one about son in law Chris Must and Christmas cheer plus Views from my rear window from McLafferty’s inspiration. Wendy a poem called Sorry about giving up Christmas.  Mandy - Don’t you just love Christmas? -  a story of her family Christmas. Geoff - shared a story of his son attending Sunday school. Leonie - Christmas day - truancy from a social Christmas gathering. Helene – treasured memories. David C – Santa Claus in the bush a reading from A B Patterson.  Terry – a Christmas Poem.

Project reading
Geoff read his short story called Restraint – a wonderful description of a car accident, stolen money and a mystery letter.

Come to our meeting to find out who am I in the writing group?
I was a supporting act for John Farnham 
I removed my own braces
Black humour is my downfall 
I collect miniature clocks
I have an IQ of 154
I wanted to be a detective
I supported my student days playing in pop bands
I love tomato sauce on crumpets
I delivered a baby
My mother sang opera
I did Psychic card readings
I won a sailing championship at Avalon
I used to Tap dance

Write a story or poem on the topic of restraint due 14 December our last meeting this year.

Christmas cheer 
Let Mandy know if you want to attend the church for Christmas day lunch for $5.

Reminder our group Christmas lunch on Wednesday 7 December at 12:30 pm. Contact Wendy for further details.