The writers
Terry, Juan,
Roslyn, Lynne, Pauline, Kris, Cath, David C, Wendy and Helene,
The words of the day
Cuff – turn up of sleeve
Nephologist – study of cloudsMaudlin- tearful,
Extra curricular –
outside regular course of study
Barbarea –
perennial herb winter cress
Chromosome - a thread-like structure
of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells,
carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
Dallying – wasting
Crepuscular –
resembling twilight, dim or indistinct
In extremis – on
the point of death
Traduce – to
Writing from words of the day
The enthusiastic
group of writers did not dally and created a great range of eclectic stories
and poems - Helene - In the garden, Wendy - Stop it, Terry - Sitting on the
seashore, Juan – What is freedom? Roslyn
– water is important, Lyn – on a silver plate, Pauline – Roger Rabbit, Kris –
Results matter, Cath – A Shiver and David – On his death bed.
Eight enthusiastic
writers read of their homework as follows - David – The affair, Helene –
Repeating myself, Cath – Jubilation, Kris – The special gift, Pauline – Not a
movie star, Lynn – The distraction, Roslyn – The bridge in Monet’s garden,
Terry – I didn’t do it and brilliant poem and Wendy On a dating website.
Young writer’s award
Juan spoke about
the competition for he is running for Shoalhaven high school students. The
writers have agreed to assist in the judging of the entries.
Word or picture exercise
From a mysterious
collection each writer selected a word or picture and used their vivid imagination
to write the following stories
Terry – Challenge,
Wendy – Performance, Helene – Passion, David – Sunday Rose, Cath – Dollars,
Pauline – Combine for police, Lynn – unique, Roslyn – Autumn; and Juan – Light
on our life.
Numberplate exercise AAJ 90 37
We used the first
three letters of the number plate AAJ to start our story or poem and included the
numbers 90 37 in the story.
Juan – Adam and
Eve, Roslyn – New identity and new location, Lynn
– An aardvark, Pauline – Angela comes to Australia , Cath – Invitations,
David – Australian Association of Jag owners, Helene – the rifle, Wendy –
Adam’s apples jut out and Terry After Alan jumped off the cliff.
Homework due 3 August 2017
Create a likeable
rouge character.