15 January 2016

Meeting notes for 13th January 2016

School holidays, visitors & family events resulted in a smaller group than usual, however there was plenty of discussion and opinions being given among Pauline, Di, Juan, Wendy & Cath

Words of the Day were:   
Autolatry -  self obsession.
Truncate – to cut short or maim  
Hulk – a rotting ship,  large         
Kowtow – to grovel or bow down
Plebeian – common

Varied tales were composed using the WOTD,  a fracas at the movies,  Angela’s arrest,  misled audience,  the Sumo wrestler and a poem.

Last week’s homework was free choice with stories about noisy neighbours, having a sheep as a special friend and a poem titled Ducket List – things to avoid. 

Questions were raised regarding how to obtain information on various genres with some internet sites being suggested.

Following the tea break everyone got busy writing their thoughts on  Temptation , one was rebellious,  another  poetically tried to resist many varieties of cheese,  the television programme Temptation brought memories to the fore,  temptation with its many disguises  and  a poem of  regret.

Next week’s homework is:-  WAITING