Present: Garry , Geoff, Mandy, David R, David C, Trish, Helene
Farewell to Mandy (sob, sob): Mandy’s farewell dinner at 6 pm on Tuesday night 6 March at St Georges Basin Country Club - partners welcome.
News: Mandy’s husband is well and looking forward to the move. David C talked about news from the past working in the cotton industry and making banana sandwiches. Trish is into the third month of living in Vincentia walking twice a day and loving it. Helene's house painting is finished and looks good.
Word of the day
Mandy – joyous. Geoff – appertain = relating to or regarding.
Stories from the words of the day
We wrote stories about the convent, motive for murder, joy to the world, a new beginning, lost in the zoo and a sumptuous woman creating bi-curiosity.
Homework readings
Geoff – wishes for parliament, an independent nation and a new flag.
Geoff – is writing a series of political poems and read out Joanna 1 and 2 about our local member.
Geoff bought in two books to share, Katherine Lomer “Camera obscura” and “If I loved you, I would tell you this” by Robin Black.
Group assets
Mandy reminded the group she still has the lap top and has not heard if she needs to pay for it.
Who has the key to a cupboard in the church containing a digital projector and screen?
He/she slides back the glass doors of his shop and looks out.