29 March 2015

Meeting 25th march 2015

RECORD OF MEETING,  25 March 2015


Wendy, Jo, Terry, Geoff, Pauline, Leonie, Cath, Diane, Elizabeth

Emasculate = disempower, weaken, castrate
Quod = prison
Interment = burial esp. with ceremony
Scratch = scrape or rub at | from start/zero | to desired level |erase | withdraw (race)
Disposition = mood, temperament, set in order
Peccadillo = trivial misdeed
Toggery = clothes
Bifurcate = divide (into two)
Gosling = young goose

Stories from Word of the Day
(many and various – some sad or unpleasant)

Reading of homework
Diane - revenge through portraiture
Pauline – planned infidelity trumped
Jo – stimulated by army life … until footless and invalidated out
Terry – healed from despair by (newly met) small boy’s innocence
Cath – confession, trying to seek remedy
Leonie – reflection; between melancholy & motivation

next lunch proposed:     12 noon on Tues 21 April          venue: Pelican CafĂ©
(Wendy to check & confirm)

HOMEWORK (for 1st April)