31 October 2018

Record of meeting 31 October 2018

The writers

Helene, Pauline, Trevor, Fran. Apologies from Terry.

The words of the day

Agonal – gasping

Souse – to plunge in liquid

Galoshes – waterproof overshoes, gumshoes

Supercilious – behaving or looking as if superior to others

Revamp – new and improved form, structure or appearance

Halloween – day before all saints day masks worn to scare away spirits

Sourdough – a fermented raising agent saving from the previous baking

Writing from words of the day

The writers swished around and produced stories about in hospital, play dough, Standing in the swamp and Mid Summer nights dream.

Reading of homework

Three writers playfully read out their home work about Toy policy, Books more than toys and So much going on.

Exercise – the words on your tombstone

The writers grappled with the concept and wrote about I like to be organised, Wait until I finish the row, May she rest in peace and Worked hard.

Exercise – The wedding

The writers happily embraced the wedding theme and wrote about The posh Frock shop, She looked under the doona, I kept putting it off (including singing of an ELO song) and I love watching the Royal weddings.


A taxi or Uber ride

29 October 2018

27 October 2018

The writers
Trevor, Fiona, Terry, Helene

Terry, Helene, Trevor

The scrabble players

Margaret, Adrian, Helene

The writers and Scrabble players set up a combined stall at the Spring into Sanctuary Point event on Saturday 27October 2018.


We created a sign from materials provided by the organisers and other stall holders.
We spoke to a number of visitors and handed out information about the groups and meeting details. Terry was interviewed by the local community radio station.

We also took pictures of Terry’s with the Alpaca and Fiona Phillips the candidate for Gilmore.

We participated in the community spirit and friendship.