Wendy, Terry,
Leonie, Melissa, Trish, David R, Helene, David C, Lyn and welcome back to
Trish sang with
Sing Australia on Sunday, Jessica set up a beauty business in the Philippines
and is now happy to be back, Melissa has been busy unpacking and enjoying the
view, David C has reduced his steroids and is feeling better, Leonie planning a
plane trip to Melbourne next month, Terry has written to Media Watch about a
pixilated sketch, Wendy is going to Nowra Players to see “The Hallelujah girls”,
Helene has new orthotics, David R’s trip to Chilli was a great success and
wrote 50 poems on his travels, Lyn’s grandson had his appendix out.
Sacrosanct – most
sacred or holy
Genteel – polite
Conflict –
disagreement, clash
Lambaste –
criticise harshly
Moot – debatable,
doubtful, controversial
Fugacious –
fleeting or fading quickly
Invertebrate –
lacking a backbone
Curmudgeon - angry
person, cantankerous
Maunder - someone
who is poor
Juxtaposition – side
by side
We wrote great stories about football, over the
fence, dreaming of the Pope, the jury, any juxtaposition, Jellyfish café, very
genteel, a council meeting, at another meeting, a Manly supporter.
Knit one purl one,
Pearl’s secret, Pearls of wisdom, Fascination - a lovely story by Leonie, The centre of attention, What a
Pearl – why Pearl receives free lunch, Purl not plain, Pearl divers in 1861
David C read
more of Charlie the Detective
Trish brought “New
selected poems” by Seamus Heaney and discussed the poem Blackberries
Jessica read from
her autobiography
David R read poems
“Waiting for a miracle” and “Lost in thought”
Liar, liar pants
on fire