24 July 2013

Record of meeting 24 july 2013


Robyn, Leonie, David C, Geoff, Trish, David R, Helene, Wendy, Trevor, Lyn, Cath, Jo and Jenny


Robyn is in her new home, Jo had family visiting, Cath enjoyed lunch yesterday, Lyn has been at her mothers for a few weeks, Trevor had a hectic adventurous week with lots of dancing, Wendy to Shellharbour square, Helene drove to Tarago and Wollongong, David R has been enjoying eating out, Trish also went to Tarago  and Wollongong, Geoff organised a successful forum on local government, David C has played at the Angles and explained the name and has been cutting up trees, Leonie has been busy with a white fluffy thing and dealt with a family matter and Jenny enjoyed a scenic tour getting to the meeting.

Word of the day

Oscillating = moving back and forth at a regular speed

Hoo-ha = a fuss, commotion and slang for vagina

Esoteric = relating to a select group

Belcher = a spotted neckerchief

Devout = deeply religious, swallow or eat greedily, devoted

Congeries = urban mass, collection of particles into one mass

Perilous = dangerous

Penchant = inclination, enthusiasm

Dalliance = dawdling or amorous flirtation

Syzygy = alignment of the planets

Perspicacity = quick mental insight

Extirpate = to search and destroy

Morose = sullen and ill tempered

Writing from words of the day

Gypsy the belly dancer, In the church, the boxer and the priest, Dangerous ideas and slogans – great political comment from Geoff, Josephine’s dalliance, Joan and James, Belcher liked old bottles, The Queen liked to write poetry, The monk and the Bishop, Dalliance with the butcher and a light bulb moment, A great use of words from Trevor, The dogs addicted to the cane toad and my toy boy from Wendy.

Reading of homework

The care dog for Alice, The unknown visitor, After the footy, Lets eat – a hill billy family feast, The wet season, Natures day over the rainbow – a great story from Trish, The boundary rider including a poem from David C, the storm of my life a powerful story by Leonie, a dive ship off Phuket from Garry.


Helene spoke about the American writer Joyce Maynard and her novel Baby Love.

Poems from David R – Waves and a love poem Gentle persuasion

Beautiful writing from Jenny


We chose one or a few words from the lucky dips and created the great stories - I like bad taste, landing in Japan, China and Russia, the Model M family, Finding a snake, lunch on Sunday, Freedom and friends, travelling on a tram, bums on camera, birds talk, the peach stone and I was a champion.

