Minutes for 18th April 2012
Chairperson: David C
Attendees: David R, Robin, Geoff, Mary, Garry, Kath, Leonie, Terry, Jo, David C.
David R is off to his cabin near Oberon then to Sydney for ANZAC Day.
Robin told us of a sad story of a woman at the shopping centre with dementia whom she tried to help.
Geoff is getting the accounts settled for the Youth Orchestra.
Mary was happy after having her grandchildren for a holiday.
Garry talked about his hopes in house-sitting.
Kath shared about her new ENJO – a window cleaner.
Leonie was pleased with her gardening.
Terry shared about a long time friend who is also a writer – up until 1850’ s there were no such things as right/left shoes – they were the same, just like clogs.
Jo reminded us that 69 reporters died during the Vietnam war and they are still being killed in conflicts around the world.
David C told about the recent cruise when there was an evening when ‘unusual’ words were discussed: bipennis – a double edged axe; chubble – when you are pulling on a wet-suit, that part that hangs down in the middle is the ‘chubble’.
Jo: pragmatic = practical, realistic.
Terry: pedant = a person who is narrow minded.
Leonie: canker = any source of spreading badness.
Kath: benevolence = charity, generosity.
Garry: pronoia = the unshakeable and irrational belief that everyone is out to help you.
Mary: winsome = generally cheerful and light hearted.
Geoff: dissimulate = disguise something.
Robin: osmosis = gradual absorbtion.
David R: peregrinate = travel/wander around.
David C: canard = when someone writes a something that is really untrue.
All writers did a good job in using all the words in poems and prose.
HOMEWORK – ‘Titanic’ was the topic.
Once again, all poems and stories were extremely interesting. Terry wrote a poem worthy of publishing and David C wrote a story, though fiction, worthy of mention.
The word, ‘shazam’ was put forward to write about.
It was a lot of fun to listen to the stories and poems with Jo being the last but BEST.
ANZAC DAY – write about it or another topic of your choice.