01 May 2013

Record of meeting 1 May 2013


Leonie, Elizabeth, Garry, David R, Helene, Wendy, Cath, Terry, Jo and Lynne


Cath had a message from Optus and strange phone conversation, Wendy had x-rays she doesn’t have sciatica but arthritis and now has the right treatment & is going to apple day at Talong, Helene went to Tarago, David R is enjoying the weather, swimming and walking, Garry has sold his car and now has the money, Elizabeth went walking in her slippers, Leonie has built a kind of step, Jo has written 50,000 words.

Words of the day

Idiolect – jargon, slang

Aberrant – diverging from normal type, deviant, uncharacteristic

Maunder – to talk incoherently or move aimlessly

Caudal – having a tail

Phantasmagoria – illusions, deception

Fixation – stability and exaggerated attachment

Mojo – magic, charm

Ebullient – full of enthusiasm

Nescience – lacking knowledge

We used the words of the day to produce a range of strange stories including The cat at the council meeting, The baker and the cat, Non rhyming poetry, On the stage, The pain in my butt, Cats, An idiot who grew a tail a great poem by David R, The archaeologist, Awful.

Reading of homework

Maz and Mustafa – the next chapter of Distant Lands; Fun at the surgery – a funny poem; Fatla - I want to break free; Tomorrow; His own company; Her courtroom image; The flying jumbo; Maz and Distant Lands; Coco the entertainer.

Discussions and reading

Garry spoke about Ghost writing as a way to write and earn income – Terry will send out details by email.

David R – read his poem called Mirage

Terry – the circus – a funny poem based on fact


We each listed four or five aspects for a character and passed it on to the next person who wrote a story about the character. The stories were Bright eyed Jenny, Peace would reign, Stay, Make me an egg sandwich, Janette had a runny nose, Home comfort, The blind man, The food lover, Fred at the pool, The bottle blonde.


The fence