01 October 2014

Meeting 1st October

Those Present: News
Terry –  surprise! He opened the Nowra News to find an article with his photo in it.
Wendy – Serious leg problems continue to worsen
Cath – Visited Bundanon, pleasant day and evening, however, the place covered in fireweed.
Geoff – Celebrated his 50th year in Australia. Became a citizen 20yrs ago, was waiting to pledge allegiance to the people, not the crown.
Leonie – Writing  slowly progressing
David C – Grandson 14yrs old, eating him out of house and home – the cost of growing pains!
Di – Bought herself a garden umbrella, and a large outdoor table to put in.
Jo – Seeing Optometrist, still having irritating eye problems

Word of the Day:
David –   surfeit – overloading of the stomach through excessive eating/ excessive amount
Leonie – piffle – verbal nonsense, waffle on
Geoff -    immure  - to be extremely engrossed in a subject, belief
Cath -      festoon  - decorate
Wendy -   squalid – dirty, unpleasant filth
Terry  -    nepotic  - favouritism, usually to a relative or friend
Jo -           runnel  -  small channel  for water
Di -          corruption – morally depraved, , pervert, impair, wicked

Writing using all words of the day:
Cath,  ?
Geoff – Govt dealings
Leonie – Don’t know what to write
David – the Annual renovator
Di  - Indonesian trip
Jo – Pork Pies
Terry –The West Challenges the Evil Foe

Topic for Homework:     B1 & B2 running the government for 2 days
David – B1 & B2 to the Rescue
Leonie – Pooh’s Rules for the Country
Di – ‘Plan B’
Jo – Visit to the Zoo
Terry – Look Who’s Going to Canberra

After the Break: Long discussion re: Printing of Anthology,  September 2015
Sanctuary Point quotes seem to be within acceptable price range. Set up and lay out costs around $200. Example of cost: 20 books with coloured Photocopy cover, stapled, $222.
With 8 members present and all in agreement, $1000 was nominated as our maximum outlay.

A few interesting words emerged at the end of the meeting:
‘Irritafilia’  - no meaning given or found, heard on TV
‘overarching’ – The big picture’ (covers everything!)

Homework Topic for next week:  A Fly on the Wall