27 January 2016

Record of meeting 27 January 2016

The Writers

Cath, Terry, David C, Leonie, Pauline, Juan, Elizabeth, Wendy, Helene and Diane

The Words of the day

Cupidity = excessive desire to posses something
Perfidy = treachery
Anarchic = not following or having any laws or rules, wild uncontrolled
Malleable = easily influenced or moulded
Flamboyant = bright & showy
Consent = acquiesce
Clairvoyant = powers beyond the usual
Cluastral = a less common version of cloistral
Misocatnic = hatred of smoke
Incarcerate = imprison

Stories from words of the day

We manipulated the words of the day into a flamboyant range of stories - My friend An, Visiting my mate, Forgive me, Like superman – a great bit of fun from Yuan, Hamish and Agatha, The convent, Those who smoke, The Monster’s demise, British rule and Unforseen incarceration.

Reading of homework 

I think I’ll be an Aussie – brilliant poem of clichés from Wendy, Views from the school and churches – a nostalgic story from Elizabeth, A choice of country – experiences from Juan, From Australia House in London to the beach – memories from Pauline, Calling the Flying Doctor on Australia Day – an outback story from Leonie, Welcome to Australia – memories from David C, Visiting Sydney on Australia Day from Diane and Terra Nullius by Terry.  

Group outing Over there - our wars in hit songs and stories

Singing of World War 2 songs accompanied our discussion of a visit to the Entertainment Centre in April 2016. Please let Wendy know if you would like to attend and she will make a group booking and pay.

 Quick write - The sweet smell of success

We captured the essence of success with our stories and poems - The party to end all parties, Primary school teachers definition of success, A funny uncle – it sucks, The driving test, Fairy floss, Success forget it, All that glitters, Chocolate biscuits and Somewhere to stay.

February Forensic topics – aprox 30 minutes following afternoon tea

6 Feb - Juan – Biometrics, Money Laundering, Brain fingerprinting

13 Feb - Terry – Disciplines of Forensic, Physical and trace evidence, Fibre and soil analysis

20 Feb – Lynn – Toxicology

27 Feb – David C – Identity theft, Touch DNA, Bite marks, Tyre tracks


Petty crime – ease gently into Forensic month or another topic of your choice

24 January 2016

Meeting notes for 20th January 2016

Present:- Terry, Cath, Pauline, Leonie, Lyn, David C, Juan, Wendy, Apology from Di.

Once again there were good vibrations felt among the group during a jovial discussion
of past events.

A salubrious amount of words inveigled into our quick write, followed by the reading of the home work a veritable kaleidoscope of colourful language [non swearing of course.] a cacophony of words on Waiting.
Truly words of wisdom.

Tea coffee cakes and biscuits, afternoon siesta. 

Afterwards an in-depth debate on having a monthly theme with numerous ideas being proposed, including :
* Word of the day and homework to be related to that theme.

Homework for 27th Jan. 
"Australia Day." 

Suggested genre for study in Feb. Forensics and Crime with Valentines day...open to love and kisses or crimes of passion.

These are suggested themes and subject matter that, if any member is not comfortable with, 
they can chose to write on their own selected theme.