The writers
Terry, Helene,
David R, Leonie, Cath and welcome to Juan
Words of the day
Ineffable = too
great or extreme for description
Soporific = sleep
Peruke = a wig
Trauma =
unpleasant experience, injury
Peluca = wig
Plethora =
Stories from words of the day
The six diligent
writers created amazing stories and poems from words of the day - The antique
shop, Send the audience to sleep, The jury, Boring Joe lost his wig, Watching
an adult cartoon and A beautiful sunset.
The writers
present read out their entertaining homework on the topics - Fertile
imagination, In her head, Doing it for her, Too many ideas in my head, Dead row
inmate and The Death penalty.
Exercise - The place was a real dump
From the depleted
numbers we used our creativity to describe a real dump in the following
stories and poems - Away a few days, The fight at the airport, Person of
interest and My first house sitting job.
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