03 December 2014

Record of meeting 3 December 2014

News of the week

 Christmas lunch 2 December 2014 - The Pelican

Jo bought a cake and the packaging staples injured her hand. Pauline took her desert from our Christmas lunch and shared it with her family. Di went to RPA hospital last week. Leonie went to Demetries at Wandandian for breakfast – a lovely building but had to wait because of a big crowd. David C enjoyed our Christmas lunch yesterday. Elizabeth had her three children visit at the weekend and also enjoyed her lunch and company. David R had whip birds in his back garden. Helene visited the beach and saw her first large Christmas beetle. Geoff told us about the tsubo measurement still used for room sizes in Japan. Terry has his 48 th wedding anniversary today. Cath questioned the dates for meetings over Christmas and New Year.

Christmas holiday break

Last meeting for 2014 – 17 December 2014

First meeting for 2015 – 7 January 2015

Words of the day

Ramshackle = ill adjusted, threatening dissolution

Raucous = hoarse rough sound, loud

Sagacious = shrewd, showing good judgement, wise

Obdurate = stubborn, resistant to change

Chalazae = structure that attaches and suspends the yolk in the centre of the egg

Anecdote = short story not necessarily true

Collude = come to an understanding especially for a fraudulent purpose

Contumelious = sarcastic, insulting

Nostalgia = longing for things

Xenophobic = fear of foreigners/foreign things

Rag man = man who deals in fabric

Stories from words of the day

Helene = Anecdote Annie

David R = We danced the Chalazae

Elizabeth = I can’t do it

David C = Antique clothing

Leonie = Separating the group

Di = Sydney has lost its charm

Pauline = Can a person change

Jo = A mad meeting

Cath = Full of anecdotes

Terry = The room with green chairs

Geoff = Some victories some losses

Reading of homework

David R = Sheer delight

Helene = Mork & Mindy

Geoff = The shouting dogs of Santiago – a great description

Terry = Yippee doodle – a funny poem

Jo = The singing fish - featuring an appearance by the plastic pink fish

Pauline = True love

Di = Aristocrat from Russian

Leonie = Warm and cosy – a lovely story

Elizabeth = The cool pool

Garry = Strawberries and whipped cream

Derek = The hot chick

Exercise – two words to make a story

We each wrote two words and gave one word to each person sitting next to us. We then created the following stories using the words -

Helene = So much for a holiday read

Geoff = the yellowish story

Terry = Kevin was angry

Cath = Farming tuna

Jo = Twice is too many marriages - a clever use of words

Pauline = the walk to the beach

Di = what is true love?

Leonie = Contrasting colours

David C = its raining

Elizabeth = Unpleasant animals

David R = the chick who was a crook

