07 June 2014

Record of meeting 4 June 2014


Dave, Terry, Pam, Helene, Wendy, Margaret, Elizabeth,

 Cath, Jo and Geoff.  

Loraine from the Coffs Harbour Writers Group was a guest.



Dave - A recap of See Change weekend and enjoyed Poets breckie.

Terry - Sold his trailer sailer. [It’s a yacht to us landlubbers.]

Pam - Has a new dog arriving, a cavalier spaniel named Henry.

Helene - Went to see a movie Gardening for the soul.

Wendy - Quiet week.

Margaret - Film festival in Sydney.

Elizabeth - A horror police story.

Cath - Found a stray dog, threw sticks for it until the pound came and took him home.

Jo - Strange animal in her garden, Could it be a UFO?

Geoff - Enjoyed Book Shop readings at See Change.



Phlegmatic - Not easily excited.

Poignant -Touching, moving.

Ascribe - Contributing, belonging.

Hellcat - Spiteful woman

In cahoots - Conspiring

Empathy - Understanding

Risible - Provoking laughter

Mucilaginous - Slimy

Laconic -Succinct

Formidable - Exciting Fearful

Peremptory - Commanding no refusal

We did a quick write using the word of the days.



Dave. A war story of danger and a frog.

Terry. The dangers of growing up and talking to girls.

Pam. Hand to hand combat with spiders galore.

Helene. Keeping safe - too safe.

Margaret. A story of war and peace in Sarajevo.

Gary. Budget woes.

Cath. A tale of love gone wrong.

Jo. An eventful outing, saving a little boys life.

Loraine spoke about the Coffs Harbour Writers Group, and took a group photo of us to put into their news letter.


 As soon as she/he walked in she/he felt the tension.

Recorded by Wendy and posted by Helene

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