08 May 2014

Meeting notes for 7th May 2014

David C.....Has had back issues gathering firewood...not 25 any more
Wendy.......Saw Brian Cadd and Glen Shorrock...terrific show
Terry..........May is birthday month...busy time
Lynn..........House sitting for Robyn and Joe
Helene.......Has laptop problems
Pam...........Just enjoying life in the Bay and Basin area
Elizabeth...Went to Collector Pumpkin Festival...now knows where Collector is
Cath...........Been minding 3 cats...oops lost one...found it again....hooray
Geoff.........Went to ukelele group for first time, also demonstration against ABC cuts proposed
David R.....Been further investigating David C's treasure chest.

Words of the Day
Pam.............parkour......training system utilising obstacles
Elizabeth.....gillie..........man attending a person who is hunting or fishing
Cath............cacophony..raucus, mixed noise, harsh discord
Geoff..........runcible......splayd like spoon with a cutting edge
David R..... prerogative..a right or privilege
David C..... scurrilous....use of vulgar abusive language, defamatory, untrue
Wendy....... laconic........terse, man of few words
Terry.........  nebulous.....vague, lacking definite form
Lynn.........  trapse..........walk idly or wearily without reaching a goal

Stories/poems from these words
Again a wide variation of ideas including parliament, traipsing through forests, lots of birds and  
gillies, and the odd commando unit.

Homework readings        (letters to/from the battle front)
Lynn..........Vietnam, a mate loses his life
Terry..........Poem about a soldier 5000 miles away and dying in Afghanistan
Wendy........lightened the moment with a tongue in cheek letter from a wife carrying on about her
                   "tough" life at home while husband plays soldier with his mates.
David C.....A real "Dear John" letter, and the mystery of astrological forecasts and Snoopy.
David R.....poem...from the front
Geoff.........a story re Chile that has lit the candle of interest in Geoff planning a visit.
Elizabeth..."Dear John" letter to a young man caught up in the moment and regretting his actions
Pam...........Letter from the front ...the Middle East...emotional
Leonie.......Isn't there another way...conversation not confrontation

*  Update re "Wild about Words"...those wishing to participate in reading their own work need to contact Sue or Boobook book shop.

Exercise..a quickwrite

"Write from the viewpoint of someone who committed a murder today but...do not mention the murder."
What a talented bunch we are. Efforts included...One a day, Shopping not stabbing, Doing Bertie in,
The blacksmith and the bloodied hand, Lime and the six foot holes, Done Kitty in...your job to bury her, Don't mess with me, Killed Joyce...or Killjoy?, Got to get away now,


"One at a time"

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