24 April 2013

Record of meeting 24 April 2013


Wendy, Elizabeth, Cath, Amanda, Leonie, David C, Garry, Geoff, David R, Helene, Lynn


Cath has her car back. Amanda had a sore back. Leonie went to see family in Melbourne and walked this morning. David C has been back to the specialist and GP and is now well - had his brothers visiting from the UK & went on a sailing lunch on Sydney Harbour. Garry’s foster brother in law had twin boys this week. Geoff had a quiet week and a local friend passed away. David R had some lovely swims at Greenfields beach. Helene has been looking after her grandchildren for a week. Wendy had a lovely week in Mudgee. Elizabeth’s daughter has had overseas visitors and enjoyed political discussions. Lynn had a week of did nots.

Word of the day

Melsan - melancholic sanguine – type of psychological type – good organisers

Boorish – crude, rude, unattractive

Raze – erase or raze – completely raized – level

Accord – agreement or settle

Integral – necessary to part of the whole

Permeate – to pass through the air by liquid

Bombilate – to hum or buzz

Fashion – popular at a particular time

Rabid – infected by rabies also used to describe mad

Coruscate - To flash or sparkle

Writing from words of the day

We produced a range of good stories including Fashion and politics, The night meeting, Fashion was supreme, The boyfriend, The evil king, The voice and mass suicide, The sequin jacket, The demi god, Sam on MKR, The image from the past – very good, Same sex marriage and the tent.

Reading of homework

The family circus at home, Working for the circus, The shearing shed, Freaks in the circus, Circus at home, The girl on the flying trapeze, vegans versus meat eaters, Bingo Pop, Escape through books, Return to the book store.


We each developed a list of characteristics and passed them on to the next person who then wrote a story about the character. A great exercise from Geoff based on Tim Winton’s book “Distant Lands” and “The writing book” by Kate Grenville.


David R read his poems “Beneath the surface” beautiful descriptions and “Seventh heaven”


Take the character we developed today and write more of the story.


Write your own 500 words following after the section of story included in Geoff’s exercise. Contact Helene or Geoff if you want more details.


Write on the topic - Indecision.







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