22 September 2012

Meeting on 19th September

Record of Meeting Wednesday 19th September

Present:  David C, Geoff. Cath, Wendy, Terry, Mary Wendy, Jo and Robyn

David has been chopping wood, lots of wood; Geoff has had an uneventful week, catching up on some TV shows. Kath brought in some Thunder eggs from her collection. Wendy has some warts frozen on her big toe, very painful. Terry spoke of his daughter’s recent operation to remove a brain tumour. All seems to have gone well. Mary spending time in the garden and enjoying the grandchildren, Wendy enjoying spring, clearing the bush preparing for a long hot summer. Jo, just an ordinary week, enjoyed watching some old movies from the days of “dialogue”. Robyn’s glad to have Joe home from hospital, and being at home.
 Word of the day
Jo                     Secretion            Separating substances
Wendy             Envision             To conceive of possibility in future
Mary                Nebulous            Cloud like, vague
Terry                Contemporaneously                  At the Same Time
Wendy             Mendacity          Untruth or lie  
Cath                 Turgid                Swollen or bombastic
Geoff                Attenuate            Thin out or reduce
David               Vernacular          Mother tongue, basic speech
Robyn              Implicit   Having no doubts, implied or understood though directly expressed.
                        Explicit   Absolute, accurate, easy to understand

Quickwrite for members using the words of the day. As usual many different stories,
Shire Effluent – Double Dipping – Toxemia – Cow Dung – Verbal Diarrhea-
A Natural Piece – Crossing the River – Drips Under the Bed – The Politician

Home set from the previous week was “Unconscious”. Members found this difficult to get a handle on, but Terry did not let us down with a very witty poem.
Geoff read some more of his novel, set in Japan.

A short discussion was held on the interaction between strangers, and how much we can learn about people in a very short time, this was following by members using “dialogue with a stranger” as the theme

As always some excellent and varied subjects, Lost in the Atherton Tablelands- a Trip on the Bankstown Line –The hardship of the Quiet old man on the Train – The friendly Ozzie, Coffee in the Park - 
A Ride on the Ferry.

Homework for the week         “Should I go to the Funeral?”

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