20 June 2012

Record of meeting 20 June 2012

Present: Helene, Trish, Leonie, Jo, David C, David R, Wendy, Robyn, Geoff & Garry.

News: Garry is enjoying dog sitting. Trish is enjoying living here. Leonie had a mini accident and then saw 5 dolphins so didn’t feel so bad. Jo has had her sons the fridge locusts visiting. David C is losing it. David R is off to the cabin next week. Wendy is going to Canberra this weekend. Helene went to the abandoned lighthouse. Robyn is not moving north and will build close to home. Geoff went to the Les Crosby memorial concert. He also received a rejection slip from the Overland publication and was informed they only accept on line submissions.

 Words of the day: Garry – curmudgeon = bad tempered skin flint. Trish – popinjay = deeply insulting word for a vain person also the name for a parrot.  Leonie – petulant = peevishly impatient. Jo – vacuum = space devoid of all matter. David C –iconoclast = someone who goes out of their way to berate anything to do to do with religion. David R - pedantic = overscrupulous, makes a show of learning. Helene – wonk = a student who spends much time studying and has little or no social life. Wendy - invidious = to incite envy or ill will. Robyn – pettifogging = over concerned with unimportant details. Geoff – inchoate = about to happen

Writing from words of the day : Wendy -Didn’t believe in what he didn’t know. Helene - twitching curtains. Robyn – his life’s work. Geoff – crazy for Newton. Garry – Gina. Trish – A popinjay. Leonie the wonk worked on his computer. Jo – the boss. David C – the diving instructor. David R – a witty poem about the group.

 Reading of homework

 Leonie – a shell on the beach life a cycle and a moment of perfection with Torvill and Dean – a beautiful description of perfection. Jo – a fairy story of perfect shoes. David C – Julia Gillard. David R – poem searching for perfection. Wendy – my perfect family. Helene – giving up perfection. Robyn – friendship is imperfect. Garry – fairy stories through the eyes of a child. Trish - if you believe this.

 Reading of other work

Geoff read an exert from his Japanese novel. David R read a couple of poems the dance and Yeti spaghetti. Trish read “As times moved on” written for her mum.

Exercise: Wendy guided us through a progressive group exercise based on a man’s name, a woman’s name, met at/in, he said, she said, he gave her, she gave him and the consequences were. Some funny stories emerged.

Homework: My first date or the school dance.

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