21 September 2011

Record of meeting 21 September 2011

Present: Mandy, Gary, Melissa, Helene, Terry, David C, David R, Leonie and Geoff. (More males than females.)

News: Gary has been to hospital and told us about his experiences. Mandy had someone look at her house but no offers yet. Leonie has had a frustrating week with her house construction but saw a great exhibition by Fred Williams in Canberra. David R is back swimming in the Bay and found money on the beach. David C saw Susie Quattro at the Entertainment Centre in Nowra and it was a great show. Geoff had reunion with his former writing group 11 people attended. Terry injured his knee last week but is recovering, and thanks Leonie for her input to one of his poems.

Word of day: Gary – hamartithia – being likely to make a mistake and gossypiboma a surgical sponge left inside after surgery accidentally. Mandy - monumental has many uses. Leonie – umbrageous – sense of fright, injury or offence and callow – inexperienced raw, unfledged. David R oenophile – connoisseur of wines. David – curt - short and sharp. Geoff outcome and fledge – tail feathers and arrows. Terry – from Donald Trump appreciates depreciation. Helene - Skittish – apt to start or shy, restlessly or excessively lively, fickle uncertain, coy. Melissa - in situ - a Latin phrase which translated literally as 'In position' It is used in many different contexts.

Homework readings
Leonie – Madeline deep in thought about her time in London and a chance meeting with Mr Jonathan Williams. David R – a poem Bridges – connect us our love is here to stay One thousand miles – I can live without you a humorous poem. David C - The best laid plans – A humorous story of Brandy and battery acid. Terry read a moving poem - Why – leaving his land and his love she stands beside me.  Helene – thinking of many and varied things. Melissa –Wondering - lost thinking about her past 3 husbands and dinner. Mandy – the pirates – love making with an android and 10 years in space.

Other issues
Youth worker wanted 8 hours a week by the church. Contact Mandy for details if you are interested.
We discussed the definition of published work. Geoff will ask the NSW Writers Association.
Geoff also told us about a free primary school music concert at 10:30 am on Sunday at Lady Denman Museum Huskie.

1. We wrote an internal monologue of a character in a social situation where they are extremely uncomfortable.Melissa – a weak handshake and banal banter. Gary – I wanted to stamp on his belligerent head. Mandy – how could she live here. Leonie – waiting in the doctor’s surgery. David R – situations and fit as a trout. David C – a gay man at a baby shower. Geoff – Does this suit me? Terry – Julia her inner thoughts was very entertaining. Helene – Humiliation at a make up party.

2. We described the smells we associated with the Moon –Sadness – Cowardice – Velcro – Silver and Sand

Homework- Write a poem or story about Water music

Reminder next meeting 28 September at Melissa’s house

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