26 May 2011

Wenesday 25th May, 2011
Present: Terry, Eva, Leonie, David R, David C, Cathy, Jo, Wendy, Jessica.
Brag: Jo talked about Dinosaur Museum, Canberra, showed Mosasaur jaw fossil.  Cath showed her book about Canada Bay and its history, an unusual and very interesting work.  Leonie went to NSW Police Band concert at the Entertainment Centre.  Eva commented on the barbershop quartet on 'Australia's Got Talent' which excited talk on other bands, she was pleased to be doing her last forthcoming exam for Senior Health course also.  David C: resuming his novel, was also impressed by his friend's expertise in fixing his(David's) notebook problem.  Wendy and her husband bought Snuggies.  She said they are marvellous.  Terry had a conversation with his grandchild about  one of those subjects we always encounter when minding children.  David R, listening to National Radio - word difficulty for newchums - would have had its humour I think.  His daughters are very good ocean swimmers.  And David C's daughters are excellent road runners.  Very clever girls.  Jessica got herself a casual job which pleases her immensely.
Cath: aggrandisement: to make greater in power
Eva: immure: to enclose or imprison within walls.
Jessica: languid: disinclination to be energetic
               floccinaucinihilipilification: the habit of estimating something worthless.
David C: grudge: envy or discontent.
                begrudge: a reluctance to give.
Wendy: vagary: a whim.
              vainglory: empty pride.
Terry: acolyte: a follower in church custom or usage, a priest's helper (e.g. altar boy).
           verbivore [sic]: a user of uncommon words.
David R: stultify: to cause or lose initiative, hamper or impede routine for someone.
Homework was read out, it was founded on the donation of several books with clever, or not, titles, the task being to incorporate the various titles in a work.
David R, David D, both wrote long poems re this.
Wendy, 'The Crimson Palace', a cheeky, mmm ... raunchy poem, appreciated by all.
Terry wrote a story about mirror-image reality.  Convoluted thoughts, could be a good play.
David R read out poetry again about September people, good image David, and another poem called 'Ribbons of Life' very good poems altogether.  Best efforts.  Put them in a competition, David.
David C.read out a bit more of 'Charlie', his novel on the go, which we are familiar with - must finish it David, an excellent effort so far.  All agree.
Afternoon Workout
Terry presented a round-table quiz, no prizes were given.     Bah! Humbug!
Another test - a quick rite - identify with a literary character - who you are- would you want to be this character?
Cathy:        Hercule Poirot
David C:    Popeye the Sailor Man
David R:    Lolita ?
Terry:         Clark Kent (questions where do the changes of clothes come from?)
Wendy:      Eve (w/out Adam)
Jo:              The Queen (Alice)
Jessica:     Precious Ramotze
Eva:            Japanese anime
All good stuff Gang!
Homework for next week:  Write whatever you like!

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