31 March 2010

Meeting notes 31 March 2010

Present: Mary, Mandy, Terry, Jo, David R, Kath, Melissa, Robyn, Helene

Enjoy your Easter break and thanks to Mary for the rock cakes, Virginia for the babana cake and the easter bunny for the chocolate eggs.


Jo had a poem published on line and a comment about UFOs in the Courier mail. She is now working on a radio play.

Mary went to Darwin and for the first time saw rivers running in the NT. While in the NT she had a ride in a huge mining truck driven by her daughter. Had a photo taken at Adelaide River with the crocodile filmed in Crocodile Dundee.

Mandy has been busy writing and enjoying the romance course.

Words of the day

David R – spelunker – one who explores caves for sport from Latin

Jo – digitabulist – collector of thimbles

Terry – profligacy – 1 great wickedness and vice 2 – reckless extravagance, reckless acts of generosity

Mandy – coruscating – give off flashing lights to sparkle

Mary – chevron – a figure pattern or object having the shape of a V or inverted V

Melissa – meretricious – superficially attractive or insincere

Kath – malevolence – malice, ill will, cruelty

Homework readings

Mandy – The more I resisted – part of her romance story

Kath – Sing to me

Helene – It was finished yet

David R – Romantic story as a poem

Jo – Don’t forget to call me dad – a poem

Terry – Sing to me – story of a dead bird

Exercise was a spelling test provided by Jo.


Bush poetry association competitions – see http://www.abpa.org.au/Bush/entry.html

FAW Short story competition 2010 – closing date 1 June 2010 www.fawwa.org.au for details

Wet ink short story competition – First prize $3,000 closing 31 August 2010 http://www.wetink.com.au for details

Romance writing

Mandy shared more of her experience from the romance writing course.

Romance homework – prepare a list of obstacles for the heroine and make plots from them or write your first chapter where the two main characters meet which shows instant attraction between the hero and heroine. Due in three weeks.

Homework from David R – Imagine you are an eagle soaring over the waters of Jervis Bay. Write a poem or short story describing how you feel and what you see below.

Next meeting - 7 April 2010
Facilitator – Robyn
Exercise – Melissa
Homework – to be selected from quotes from Ex libris – a literary game provide by Jo

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