Meeting held on 16th Sept. 09
Twas the bay and basin writers group, their abnormal meeting
the usual hacks and poets were there, lots of banter nods and greetings
there was Helene Melissa Kath Robyn and Jo, Vala and Dale turned up later
Mandy and Terry settled down, Tap Tap Tap Davids the facilitator
has anyone got a brag or something they can skite
David mentioned the radio show with a grin of pure delight
Terry told about a blog Helene about her two accidents
The destruction of her letter box she claims was innocent
Bra bombers and triple J were mentioned or something of that sort
Mandy went to Sydney and back no accidents to report
Many unusual words were discussed Mojo a sort of charm
Obloquy an unspoken word, a Nemesis could do harm
Little was said of Taciturn a Moron showed his stupidity as
Promulagate was proclaimed, or was it a tacit implication
A Capricious whim of change.
Homework, many versions were read about an open door
Mandy asked for a critique Kampong Wife was sugested from the floor
Write seven things about yourself, pick one and write a story
humorous rapore was the theme, we basked in all our glory
The metting ended in orderly Kaos, Melissa set the scene
For next week we write a sequal, A movie, book ,TV the next scream
Thats all folks to all the scribes happy writing to any one i missed sorry
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