21 December 2014

Christmas message 2014

Our final meeting for 2014 on 17 December was attended by seven hardy writers including one wise man. The group enjoyed grazing on a large quantity of Christmas food, with some chatting and writing as time permitted.

Words shared were

adroit - skillful, dextrous;
gammon - ham - (also) humbug;
doit - trifle,small amount;
kindle - start (fire), awaken, inspire;
penchant - interest(in), leaning (to) ;
facetious  - sarcastic, humorous;
wassail - toast, celebrate
Enjoy time with family and friends over the Christmas break and time for reading and writing.

Next meeting 1 pm on Wednesday 7 January 2015. See you there with renewed enthusiasm for writing in 2015.

10 December 2014

Record of meeting 10 December 2014

Important notice

Meeting 17 December 2014 - 12.30 pm start

Please arrive at 12.30 pm and bring a plate of food to share for lunch on Wednesday 17 December for our last meeting in 2014.

Christmas Pavlova


Jo told us about her old family home in Arncliffe. Lyn has been clearing out her mother’s house. Leonie has been writing and had the busiest morning ever. Di had a stressful week with her family. David C is still chopping fire wood and eating porridge. Elizabeth has new glasses after an interesting experience at the Optometrist. Geoff read his letter to the Australian and is having a book published. Cath has posted her Christmas cards. Helene has a new printer. Wendy had a good Christmas party with the car club at the Lady Denman on Sunday and advised that the Post Office at Sanctuary Point hours have extended by the new owner. Terry’s grandsons have done well at school in 2014.

Words of the day

Indolent = slow lazy

Turpitude = wickedness

Climatic = an exciting feat or climax

Fimbriated = furnish with a fringe or border

Bae = before anything else – pronounced bay

Rambunctious = boisterous, wild,

Eviscerate = to deprive or take away something important

Supersede = set aside, out dated

Minion = unimportant follower, highly regarded person

Epiphany = revelation or bright idea

Magniloquent = speaking loftily, grandiose, bombastic

Writing from words of the day

We created brilliant stories from the brilliant words of the day

Jo = Rewriting his will

Lyn = Before any one could stop him

Leonie = Performing pranks

Di = The princess

David C = The GP co payment - very witty

Elizabeth = Those around him

Geoff = The future path – great political comment

Cath = The curtain came down

Helene = Fin and Laura

Wendy = Chains around her neck

Terry = You have 12 minutes

Reading of homework

Helene = Fifi and Mark

Elizabeth = Dreams to buy – a lovely poem

David C = Looking for the remote control

Leonie = Elsie and Lifeboat at sea - Two different interesting stories

Jo = Swearing and clichés – a great entertaining portrait of Sandra

Terry = Dressed in rags – a great poem

Garry = Another nappy change – a different look at change

Stories and reading

Di told a quick story and showed a picture of a mother spider and babies on the veranda of her house. Jo told a story of a spider bite in her ear.

Helene recommends the book “Elizabeth is missing” by Emma Healey, borrowed from the Sanctuary Point library.


We shared two words, one with each of our near neighbours and wrote a story using those words.

Elizabeth – A deathly silence

David C – Down the well – a funny story

Di – The chestnut stallion – romance at the farm

Lyn – Ugly zits

Jo – A birthday present - a fun story

Terry – Skye is lost

Wendy – Nearly drowned

Cath – Starving the sheep

Geoff – His arms reached out for her


Short fuse











03 December 2014

Record of meeting 3 December 2014

News of the week

 Christmas lunch 2 December 2014 - The Pelican

Jo bought a cake and the packaging staples injured her hand. Pauline took her desert from our Christmas lunch and shared it with her family. Di went to RPA hospital last week. Leonie went to Demetries at Wandandian for breakfast – a lovely building but had to wait because of a big crowd. David C enjoyed our Christmas lunch yesterday. Elizabeth had her three children visit at the weekend and also enjoyed her lunch and company. David R had whip birds in his back garden. Helene visited the beach and saw her first large Christmas beetle. Geoff told us about the tsubo measurement still used for room sizes in Japan. Terry has his 48 th wedding anniversary today. Cath questioned the dates for meetings over Christmas and New Year.

Christmas holiday break

Last meeting for 2014 – 17 December 2014

First meeting for 2015 – 7 January 2015

Words of the day

Ramshackle = ill adjusted, threatening dissolution

Raucous = hoarse rough sound, loud

Sagacious = shrewd, showing good judgement, wise

Obdurate = stubborn, resistant to change

Chalazae = structure that attaches and suspends the yolk in the centre of the egg

Anecdote = short story not necessarily true

Collude = come to an understanding especially for a fraudulent purpose

Contumelious = sarcastic, insulting

Nostalgia = longing for things

Xenophobic = fear of foreigners/foreign things

Rag man = man who deals in fabric

Stories from words of the day

Helene = Anecdote Annie

David R = We danced the Chalazae

Elizabeth = I can’t do it

David C = Antique clothing

Leonie = Separating the group

Di = Sydney has lost its charm

Pauline = Can a person change

Jo = A mad meeting

Cath = Full of anecdotes

Terry = The room with green chairs

Geoff = Some victories some losses

Reading of homework

David R = Sheer delight

Helene = Mork & Mindy

Geoff = The shouting dogs of Santiago – a great description

Terry = Yippee doodle – a funny poem

Jo = The singing fish - featuring an appearance by the plastic pink fish

Pauline = True love

Di = Aristocrat from Russian

Leonie = Warm and cosy – a lovely story

Elizabeth = The cool pool

Garry = Strawberries and whipped cream

Derek = The hot chick

Exercise – two words to make a story

We each wrote two words and gave one word to each person sitting next to us. We then created the following stories using the words -

Helene = So much for a holiday read

Geoff = the yellowish story

Terry = Kevin was angry

Cath = Farming tuna

Jo = Twice is too many marriages - a clever use of words

Pauline = the walk to the beach

Di = what is true love?

Leonie = Contrasting colours

David C = its raining

Elizabeth = Unpleasant animals

David R = the chick who was a crook















26 November 2014

Record of meeting 26 November 2014

Remember Christmas lunch
Tuesday 2 December 12 noon
Pelican restaurant and café St Georges Basin


News of the week

David C received an unexpected delivery of a large tree. Di had more problems with her van. Geoff has been in Tokyo, Santiago etc for a couple of weeks. Jo no news. Cath had a swim at the beach. Terry saw the Wizard of Oz by the Albatross Theatre Company. Wendy had two sons visiting. Helene announced that the road from Nowra to Canberra through Tarago is now sealed; the Turpentine Road may be sealed soon. David R has had three frogs in his house recently, one in the cream. Leonie has been busy writing, doing some art work but not river thinking. Pauline has been on a pleasant cruise to New Caledonia.

Word of the day

Abrogate = to cancel, to repeal

Altruistic = concern for others

Competency = skilled

Deligious = drink or desert like a religious experience

Surreptitious = in secret

Killick = a stone anchor

Perdition = complete and utter ruin

Egregious = outstandingly bad

Taciturn = uncommunicative in speech

Elixir = medicinal remedy for disease or magical potion

Pinnacle = apex ending in a cone, top

Stories from words of the day

We used the exciting list of words and created the following great stories
Leonie – Commendation

Pauline – The chocolate liquor

David C – The wine maker

Diana – The sage

Geoff – The road to hell

Jo – Youthful expectations

Cath – Work for the Red Cross

Terry – Argo looked down

Wendy – If I drink this

Helene – Parliament House Dining room

David R – Boomerang words

Reading of homework

David R - Perceptions

Helene – Life and light

Terry – Country life

Cath – The farm life

Jo – Cold as ice

David C – A cruise on “The sea spray”

Pauline – A social worker selfie

Leonie – A glimpse from the past

Garry – HMAS Landy


Terry read his story of the interview by Tiny Weiner of Ivor Willy.

Exercise – write about a body part you don’t like

We created some great body part stories, with the lower parts of the body most unpopular

Jo – my head

Cath – my noses, eyes etc

Terry – My gammy knee

Wendy – Eyebrows

Helene – I’m not photogenic

David R – Deformed toes

Leonie – My big fat belly

Pauline – If my legs were longer

David C – I wish I had more facial hair

Dianne – My belly

Geoff – My left knee


It’s me she wants to purchase

19 November 2014

Record of meeting 19 November 2014


Jo has sorted out her dog neighbours. Cath joined a group on Facebook called I love Sanctuary Point. Wendy has two son’s visiting on the weekend for her 52nd wedding anniversary. Helene enjoyed the movie Pride and a day trip to Sydney. David R rescued a frog from his cream container and had three glorious swims without the frog.
Words of the day

Lampoon = to make fun of

Diminutive = very small

Fracas = noisy disturbance

Trenchant = keen sharp effective

Precocious = intelligent, bright, talented

Writing from words of the day

Jo – I’m always like that

Cath – Larry’s cartoons

Wendy – Flying mice

Helene – The lights

David R – Be cool

Reading of homework

Helene – Time passes

Wendy – I’m the boss

Jo – As the door closes

David R – Sir Lust-a-lot between dusk and dawn

Garry – Fifi can’t stop singing


David R read his Sci fi poem – Mummy was inseminated in outer space


We used a three step process to develop a story from the idea “A man comes home early his partner is crying in front of an old movie”. We wrote creative stories on the topics

Jo – sex on SBS and reality

David R – I’m sick of housework and you

Helene – Writing a script at a beach house

Cath – I’m so glad you are here


As far as my eye can see

View from Illawarra Fly 2014















12 November 2014

Record of meeting 12 November 2014


Cath commented that a local hardware store is not doing well. Lynn is over family. Leonie has been inspired by a dream to finish her novel.  Jo brought information about a mental health course and told us about stories she is writing. David C has been scavenging fire wood. Elizabeth has been to the Sapphire coast. Wendy is scheduled for another operation in about 3 week’s time. Helene has been to the dentist. David R has had pneumonia but is well enough for walking.

Thirty champions to help grow mental health workforce

The National Mental Health Commission is providing opportunities for 30 experienced peer workers and trainers to undertake a recognition programme to become trainers and assessors of the Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer work.

Applications close 9 am Monday 8 December 2014. For further information visit www.mhcc.org.au

Words of the day

Compunction = a slight regret or scruple

Eccentric = unconventional person who thinks outside the box

Subside = settle down to abate

Quaver = a trembling voice

Complex = intricate

Genial = to be friendly or cheerful

Trait = characteristic feature

Debauch = to seduce or corrupt

Haughty = proud arrogant supercilious

Stories from words of the day

Leonie – Mr Johnson was good with animals

Jo – The professor said

David C – A gentle giant

Elizabeth – When his aunt entered the room

Wendy – Lie down on the floor

Helene – She was genial

David R – A change in my voice

Cathy – The group

Lynn – In tatters

Reading of homework

Elizabeth – the use of grain sacks on the farm

David C – 5 minute hot seat

Jo – Granma looks for work

Leonie – No nonsense

Lynn – Who is she?

Cath – Well prepared and she looked fantastic

David R – How did Abbott get his job?

Garry – The jackpot


Exercise 1 – a moral dilemma your honourable character finds his brother is a serial killer

Wendy – a high heeled shoe

Elizabeth – I can’t believe it

David C – 20 years in the police force

Jo – How could he murder

Lynn – A missing space

Cath – my honourable brother

David R – I never lie

Helene – Identical twins

Exercise 2 - Progressive write

We started our progressive write with the phrase "I never intended to" and created the following collaborative stories

Helene – Join the biggest looser

David R – A silver gun and one canoe

Cath – Cats and dogs

Lynn – The cruise director

Jo – Bull shit

David C – it lit up

Elizabeth – The only man she loved

Wendy – Were the dog and cat trying to tell me something?


In the long night……








05 November 2014

Record of meeting 5 November 2014

Christmas lunch 2 December 2014

Well done Wendy for booking the Pelican for Tuesday 2 December at 12 noon for our group Christmas lunch. Please let Wendy know if you will be attending.


Lyn has been cleaning out her mum’s house. Leonie has been to the Gold Coast. Pauline has been looking on Facebook. Terry won money on a sweep. David C is now good. Helene won some money on the TAB. Wendy had a big social weekend. Di celebrated Melbourne Cup at Vincentia Primary School. Cath has been trying to eradicate onion weed. Jo asked questions about her writing.

Words of the day

Indecisive = muddle headed

Corpulent = bulky or fat

Datum = a piece of information

Haven = harbour, place of sanctuary

Quiddit = without the sign of an argument

Surreal = strange, weird, odd, dreamlike

Smug = self satisfied

Reviled = called by ill names, abuse

Behoves = taking responsibility

Lurk = loiter

Stories from words of the day

Lynn – the judge

Leonie – a council meeting

Pauline – the writing group

Terry – The budget hole

David C – Jervis Bay sanctuary

Helene – The cake shop

Wendy – When I know I am right

Di – A painter on a beach – a great description

Cath – The report

Jo – My failings
Reading of homework

Helene – Silence is golden

David C – Them next door – a hilarious story

Terry – In my own world

Pauline – Babies at Christmas and pizza

Leonie – Sounds of life

Lynn – A party at John’s – a funny poem about a teenage daughter

Jo – Would I lie to you? – A sad funny story

Di – A creature so vile

Garry – A girl so rare


Leonie read her story “Time disappearing fast” - a humorous account of a day.

Pauline read “The Christmas party” – the new clergy appear - part of a work in progress.

Jo read “Pretend” the story of a man meeting a mermaid at the beach.

Lynn read a poem “He did it” she found when cleaning out her mother’s house.

Exercise - Three word poem

Terry – I like time

David C – Fairies and gnomes

Helene – Wouldn’t be dead

Wendy – I’m not old

Di – My day begins

Cath – Here’s the end

Jo – Joe Blow Bottlo

Lynn – Time will heal

Leonie – Three nice things

Pauline – Time to holiday


The interview
Happy birthday Terry - 5 November 2014



29 October 2014

Record of meeting 29 October 2014

The group agreed that Christmas lunch at the Pelican in St Georges Basin probably 2 December is a great idea - Wendy to investigate menu and booking.


Terry now has his TV working perfectly. Pauline went various places with a French connection and brought a rare thing to show a non photo shopped photo.  Helene enjoyed lunch at Blue Bottles in Husky last week. Wendy is going to Sydney for her sixth surgery. Cath is ready to plan for 2015. Jo has finished an 85 page story about a boy becoming a man. Di is helping a friend. David C went to the specialist and all is OK.

Words of the day

Fungus = a plant without chlorophyll

Striation = a groove, channel or streak

Perfunctory = superficially or routinely

Skite = boaster

Yolo = only live once

Hootenanny = an informal gathering with folk music

Stolid = showing little or no emotion, placid

Rile = to irritate, anger or annoy

Sidle = edge along, fawn ingratiate

Stories from words of the day

Helene – I wish I was a fungus

Wendy – Blue suede shoes

Cathy – Gone crazy

Jo – Talking to a mushroom

Di – The family went out

David C – Anny and Harry

Terry – Goulburn way

Elizabeth – Not me

Pauline – At the water cooler

Reading of homework

Helene – Gilbert and Sullivan

Pauline – A family history

Elizabeth – News from her village

Terry – a face of gloom – a great poem

David C – Behind closed curtains

Di – Mary’s story

Jo – Mirror, mirror

Cathy – Too late now

Information on a TAFE Writing course

Diploma course - Writing for screen and scripts at TAFE Nowra one year course starting first term 2015. for more details look at the TAFE Website

Exercise - Short stories on the topic - Outside the box

Pauline – Not comfortable in the box

Helene – Never in the box

Wendy – Locking my sister in the cubby

Cath – Other people’s granny’s

Jo – A loner

Di – Why do we need a Plan B?

David R – In the graveyard

Terry – Just an idea

Elizabeth – Love of languages


What’s that I hear?




22 October 2014

Record of meeting 22 October 2014


David C is feeling great today after a visit to hospital. Elizabeth had no news to share. Di has taken her van to Wollongong for repairs this week. Pauline has her grandchildren visiting separately. Jo had nothing to say. Cath went to a relay for life event. Wendy has been in hospital with an infection and had also had  a nurse visit under hospital in the home arrangements. Helene has been to the dentist and now has a tap on her deck.

Words of the day

Enmity = hostile, ill will

Kersey = course material

Irascible = cranky

Rinky-dink = old fashioned, cheap or poor quality

Fervour = great warmth or earnestness of feeling

Rend = tear or emotional pain

Expropriate = to deprive of possessions

Sassy = impertinent, pert, smart Alec

Writing from words of the day

David C – From foreign parts with sheep droppings

Helene – Frances Bean

Wendy – Go to pot

Cath – Hard to fathom

Jo – Any more instructions today

Pauline – No fool

Di – The hiker

Elizabeth – His fate

Reading of homework

Di – The spiral staircase

Elizabeth – Eyes in the night

David C – Fear of broken shoelaces

Helene – Afraid of nothing

Garry – Bogey men under the bed

Jo – Afraid of the alphabet

Pauline – A wicked witch & crossing the road


David C read his children’s story - The soapy bath monster and a poem Reedy creek.

Pauline read her a intriguing short story about a trip to France – The blue capsule.

Christmas lunch

We discussed the need to decide on a date and venue for our groups Christmas lunch – an early December date is preferred. Please bring ideas for the next meeting.

Exercise - Stories on the topic of Super size

David C – 12 stories high a super cruise ship

Elizabeth – A swimming pool

Di – Biggest and best families

Pauline – Clothes don’t fit

Jo – Pants from the supermarket

Cath – A big beard

Wendy – I’m too small

Helene – Super hero clothes


The trial or a trial of any kind