17 December 2011

Summary of meeting held 14th December 2011
 Note: There was no meeting last week (7th Dec)

Attending. Mandy Byrne. Leone Worthy. Robin Kellner. Gary Homes. Dave Cargill.

Group News.
Dave. Short news that turned into a discussion on the S.A.S. very informative nothing to do with writing except if you wanted to know about it for your story. It began when we discussed I.Q.s we do digress but it was interesting.
Robyn. The good news is her husband is free of cancer. And she needs to have cataracts removed. Hopefully she will get it soon..
Leone. Her house is nearly ready to live in but she doesn't believe it, after so long.
She has to have some treatment on her neck for a pressure problem.
Gary. Things are going well for his sister.
Mandy. Had an SVT attack but the doctor said he likes people like me as it is something they can treat instantly. So after running a marathon without using my legs I soon recovered.. One good thing my husband is now willing to move into a retirement village, it gave him such a fright..
Dave. Life is good no worries.

Word of the  Day.
Leone. Skulk.  moves stealthily to keep concealed and avoid detection.
Gary. Destiny or Fate. Gary wonders about the word. Is our life pre distend.
Mandy. Frivolity adjective or Frivolous verb. not serious of sensible in content or attitude. acts rather  silly, or. unworthy of serious or sensible treatment.
Dave. Supercilious. Pompous or arrogant. Over bearing in your attitude.
Robyn. Hereditary. A trait or mannerism. Something passed down in your genes.

Quick Write on above words.
Mandy's Quick Write.
She had a frivolous nature, no one took her seriously and she was totally unreliable. My mother always said her destiny would catch up with her one day and smack her in the mouth. She would simper in that supercilious manner she often adopted as if she was special, and we were nothing. Her husband would skulk away and I felt so sorry for the poor man, fancy having her for a wife.
When I met her twenty years later I was astounded to note her daughter had the same hereditary traits or mannerism. How awful to pass on such terrible mannerisms or was it her genes maybe. My plump daughter looked me up and down and said well so did you, look at me. I should have kept my mouth shut.
 The others all gave an interesting and very different slant on these words. Gary's was quite deep and meaningful.

Homework. It was on the word Restraint.

Leone. She had a lot of trouble finding a way to do this homework. In the end she explained the word Restraint putting it into many different sentences. It brought forward memories of her father dying and the restraints the medical service put on helping her father to meet his death. It made her very bitter that they could not help him to die quickly, it was so hard for all her family.

Dave. Wrote about the parking officer who was abused by an old couple. A twist at the end.

Gary Wrote about fighting when he was at school and how he was expected to restrain from fighting.

Mandy.  Went looking for her restraint after being told to by her teacher and wondered why she never found it.

Stopped for afternoon tea.
For those who read this and were not there, you missed out on a nice cherry tart and homemade apple cakes.

Mandy read a chapter of her novel she is writing.

We then discussed bullying and how it effected us as children.

This is the last meeting till the second Wednesday in January. The 11th.I believe.
Our Condolences to our fellow writer Helene who lost her son ten days ago. Our thoughts and love go to her. God keep you Helene. We sent flowers and Helene appreciated receiving them.

Flowers, Fairies and Gnomes.


30 November 2011

Record of meeting 30 November 2011

Present: Geoff, Mandy, Wendy, David R, Terry, David C, Robyn, Helene, Leonie.

News:  Mandy swore at some she should not have sworn at but all is forgiven. Wendy is going to the cherry festival in Young for 3 days, David R has had a kind angel to put on his surgical socks each morning. Terry watched the Polar Express DVD and really enjoyed it. David C has spent 3 glorious days with his daughter Kirsten. Robyn has returned from the best 4 weeks holiday in Tuncurry. Helene has had two trips to Canberra in the last week. Leonie’s kitchen is almost finished and has booked a removal date.

Words of the day:
Geoff – redound – to have an effect for good or ill, affects something, back and forth. Mandy paraphernalia – a collection of miscellaneous goods, given to a woman by her husband before marriage. Wendy – equable – tranquil or steady.  David R - hubris – excessive pride or self confidence leading to nemesis. Terry – felicitate – to express good wishes, well chosen for the occasion. David C – callous – a noun or adjective hard. Robyn – narcarcistic. Helene pursed – to pucker or contract the lips into folds or wrinkles. Leonie – ostensible – to conceal the real, pretentious

We used our words of the day to write about a difficult meeting, marriage, sorting an inheritance, Lord Gaylord, felicitations for a wife, a poem about the group, a poem of bile from the Bitch of Balmain and a bedroom incident.

Reading of homework
David R – Chris Must – two poems one about son in law Chris Must and Christmas cheer plus Views from my rear window from McLafferty’s inspiration. Wendy a poem called Sorry about giving up Christmas.  Mandy - Don’t you just love Christmas? -  a story of her family Christmas. Geoff - shared a story of his son attending Sunday school. Leonie - Christmas day - truancy from a social Christmas gathering. Helene – treasured memories. David C – Santa Claus in the bush a reading from A B Patterson.  Terry – a Christmas Poem.

Project reading
Geoff read his short story called Restraint – a wonderful description of a car accident, stolen money and a mystery letter.

Come to our meeting to find out who am I in the writing group?
I was a supporting act for John Farnham 
I removed my own braces
Black humour is my downfall 
I collect miniature clocks
I have an IQ of 154
I wanted to be a detective
I supported my student days playing in pop bands
I love tomato sauce on crumpets
I delivered a baby
My mother sang opera
I did Psychic card readings
I won a sailing championship at Avalon
I used to Tap dance

Write a story or poem on the topic of restraint due 14 December our last meeting this year.

Christmas cheer 
Let Mandy know if you want to attend the church for Christmas day lunch for $5.

Reminder our group Christmas lunch on Wednesday 7 December at 12:30 pm. Contact Wendy for further details.

25 November 2011

Record of meeting 23 November 2011

Mandy, Wendy, Dave C, Leonie, Geoff
Short News Spot.
Wendy. Today Wendy has been married 49yrs and a very happy marriage it has been. Congratulations.
Dave. Dave bragged about being 70 in 2012 and he is going on a cruise to celebrate. Best of all it is all paid for. We all would like to join him. One of his brother in laws found a bay window for him to put in his house and he was thrilled to get one so cheap.
Leonie. Her kitchen in her new house is on the move and may be finished by Friday. Fingers crossed.
Geoff. Had sad news a friend passed away and he has funerals to attend. Always a sad time.
Mandy. Feeling a bit up tight and wanting to run away from her responsibilities in the church. She will come back for writers though.
WENDY: Cahoots. Partnership or league often in crime or something shady.
Mandy: Spondulicks slang for money. Also Dottle. The remains of tobacco in the pipe bowl the little bit or dottle.
Geoff; Redolent. Reminding or reminiscent and something that can mean smelling strongly.
Leone: Chasten to subdue, or pursue or tell off.
Dave; Hyperbolic expressive or exaggerate.
Quick write using the above words.
Mandy's Quickwrite.
He was in cahoots with the outlaws, we all knew it but no one dared to say anything. The way he swaggered around town made our mother so mad. One time after an encounter with him she came back furious and slapped us kids then turned on dad. "That man is full of redolent, hyperbolic bullshit and he could take his spondulicks and stick it in his pipe," she yelled. Dad laughed and said it would never burn down to a dottle, probably choke him instead, mum said, "I hope it will suffocate him," she gave Dad one of her looks, he was chastened and hurriedly went out to feed the pigs.
Dave, A poem on I remembered. Lovely memories of childhood.
Leone. Memories of her son and children. Memories only a mother has that takes us back to her own childhood. Some very moving passages.
Geoff. Robert Yates. a story about his foster uncle. Moving, very life like and descriptive.
Mandy. Relived a divorce, a new love and finding happiness. Life if good if you don't run away from it.
Wendy. A memory of her son trying to grow a moustache to raise money for Charity and it was so sparse he got paid by the hair instead. Very funny Poem.
Wendy read something from the net.
Where I have and have not been.
Quick write. Something Excruciating Uncomfortable.
Mandy's Quickwrite.
When I was thirteen I left England and sailed across the world to Singapore. It was the biggest adventure of my young life, it was also the most uncomfortable because I was sea sick from leaving Southampton till two weeks after I arrived in Singapore. The most annoying thing was all the wonderful events and parties on the ship I had missed, it was just so annoying to have to write to my friend and tell her I was ill. I never indulged in the crossing the equator party, the rides on camels I missed the feeding of the Barbary Apes in Gibralter. All the things I said I would do and didn't. What a wash out. Slowly I regained some of my strength and was very interested to find my dresses no longer fitted snuggly around me they were loose and for the first time in my life I was quite slim.
I went to school and that was very different. I would catch a bus at 6.30am and be in school for 7.30 and we finished at 1pm but they made us go on a Saturday, just to make sure we did the regulation hours.
I loved my new school and soon made friends. Our form teacher was a large bear of a man, Mr Dean and he liked me and didn't hit me with the board pointer or smack me over the head when I asked questions. This school treated you like a lady and it was wonderful.
Mr Dean asked me to stay behind one time and vigorously cleaned the black board. He was a big man and his bottom wobbled as he cleaned, it made me want to giggle. When he suddenly stopped and turned around he looked very stern and for a moment I thought he knew why I was smiling.
"Mandy,' he said in a deep nice way, "I don't want to embarrass you but er you are quite a well developed young woman. I think you need to wear a brassiere.' With that he nodded and walked out of the room.
Our classroom was made of basher leaves in the native style and the large panels that did as windows where propped open. I wished they would close and let me die quietly of mortification. I was so embarrassed and ran out to the toilets to look at my boobs. They were bigger than I remembered and when I told my mother she thought it very funny, she would! Girls didn't wear bra's, according to her till you went to work, like boys didn't wear long pants till they were working men. She gave me one of hers to try on and it nearly strangled me. I definitely needed a bra.
Poor Mr Dean it took us months to get over our embarrassment and regain our friendship. Bra's I discovered were excruciatingly uncomfortable.
We all did this subject in different ways and it was very interesting. As I was doing the minutes I left mine in.

A Christmas Story - write something about your interpretation of Christmas.
Remember our Christmas Lunch on the 7th Dec at May's place ??? if you want to go and haven't told Wendy phone 4443 9741. Those who have been attending all year will be subsidised out of Club funds others are welcome if you book and you can pay separately.

Our last meeting will be on the 14th Dec till the 11th Jan 2012 when we start again. Anyone is welcome and new ideas and exercises are always acceptable.

16 November 2011

Record of meeting 16 November 2011

Present: Leonie, Terry, Geoff, Helene, Gary, Mandy, Wendy, David C.

News: Leonie – Chaos continues with her house building. Terry – had a great weekend drooling at a car show in Canberra. Geoff – has had a quiet week. Helene has a new lap top. Gary has been listening to poetry for Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. Mandy –got her friend into a nursing home and has been baking for the weekend. Wendy’s mum who is 84 years old is coming out from the UK for a 12 week visit. David C – was late for the meeting as he was waiting for confirmation of a trip to NZ in 2012.

Word of the day
Geoff - Ineluctable – unavoidable, inevitable. Helene - a palimpsest a parchment written upon twice. Gary – arrant – adjective – absolute, utter, downright.  Mandy lackadaisical – lazy and careless in a dreamy way, thoughtful. Wendy – Mickey Finn a saloon keeper at the lone star Saloon in Chicago who drugged his customers to rob them. David C – mututable – subject to change or changeable. Leonie – whorl – one turn of a spiral, small wheel of a spindle, ring of leaves around a stem. Vernix – coating of a baby’s body when born. Terry – augur – comes from a high ranking priest who made predictions – foretelling of the future.

Quick write from our words
Gary wrote about the slap. Mandy wrote about nurses at play. Wendy hit him with a shoe. David C was with Jenny on a romantic island. Leonie wrote about the delivery. Terry took us in the snow. Geoff used anti aging cream. Helene wrote about the funeral of Mickey Finn.

Reading of homework
Gary read a story of an emergency in Wollongong hospital. Mandy who an overachiever wrote 3 stories and shared one - The day Jim grew up.  Wendy read a smart poem about the Push. Leonie told us about the birth of a baby in a car. Terry took us to jail in Bali. Helene shared the story of his grace and the priesthood.

          1. Write a story or poem about a treasured memory
     2. If you have not already done so bring in a piece of paper containing three things about yourself unknown by other members

09 November 2011

Record of meeting 9 November 2011

Present: David C, Mandy, Wendy, Gary, Helene, Terry, Leonie, Geoff

News: David C heard that the poetry he has may or may not be genuine A B Patterson writing. Leonie house is moving ahead her toilet walls are painted a beautiful blue. Helene has a new Samsung phone. Geoff celebrated his birthday last week with an Indian meal. Gary went to Haymarket branch of the Bank of China and was able to withdraw money deposited in China. Mandy reported her friend has recovered from her illness and is moving into a retirement home. Wendy’s son in Queensland is getting married.

Words of the day
Helene - dénouement - comprises events between the falling action and the actual ending scene of the drama or narrative and thus serves as the conclusion of the story. Geoff – apostille – stamp or document with stamps that recognises a treaty. Gary – bailiwick – a special individual skill. Mandy – topical - relevant. Wendy – bellicose – belligerent aggressive, truculent. David C – advocate – someone who pleads a cause in a court. Terry – threnody – a song of lamentation.

Quick write
We wrote for 10 minutes using the words of the day. This was a challenge but stories about the Magna Carta, Joe Frasier and Berlusconi, concerts, migrants and singing emerged.

Reading of homework
Gary wrote about rain. Geoff about lottery wins. Helene wrote about having nothing to wear. Leonie wrote about food, water, wealth and self preservation. Terry produced a funny poem. David C was climbing out of the dung heap. Wendy was trying to choose between being dead or alive. Mandy wrote about a dancer and a birthday cake with an unexpected ending.

Leonie read more of her charming story of Madeline Holt and her maid. David C read more of his humorous story about Charlie the detective. Mandy read part of a story with the working title ‘War on words” about a young single mother. Terry read of poem of the stories he imagined from seeing a bunch of nails on a pole.

Books and authors
Helene talked about the book she is reading called "The Maeve Binchy Writer's club" a series of letters with advice, inspiration and information on writing and getting published.


1. Write a story or poem with the theme - The sweat poured down his/her face.

2. Bring with you next week a piece of plain paper with a typed list of three things about yourself the group does not know (do not identify yourself). We will share the papers for others to guess who’s who – who will have the best intuition?

02 November 2011

Record of meeting 2 November 2011

Present: Gary, Mandy, Wendy, Leonie, Terry, Geoff and Helene

Helene raved about her recent cruise to NZ. Gary reported that his sister Wendy is feeling great after having a pacemaker installed. Mandy is stressed because a friend is very ill. Wendy brought information about our Christmas lunch to be held at Mel’s Place at St Georges Basin at 12:30 pm on Wednesday 7 December 2011. Leonie asked about David R Terry reported that he is doing well after his surgery and that Terry has his first client for his business coaching services. Geoff received lots of calls for his 70 th birthday today – Happy birthday, you are Looking great.

Word of the day
Gary - reverberated – heard it today in relation to China and the Euro. Mandy brouhaha – a big commotion a loud confused noise. Wendy - mignon -small cute dainty. Leonie – cadence - rhythm, measured movement of sound. Terry unctuous -ingratiating. Geoff - pollard – milling powdered form of bran and a way to trim trees.

Quick write from words of the day
We produced a group of stories with a political, multicultural, religious and gardening focus.

Homework reading
Gary what if there was no lotto, will the muslins take over. Mandy what if I had been born with different genes. Wendy Pressure the poem of life. Terry end of the tunnel – a corrupt police officer. Geoff told us about the email he received called lights at the end the tunnel.

Books and authors
Helene talked about a series of books by Joan Anderson an unfinished woman who ran away to Cape Cod for a year of self discovery. Gary talked about a story by Tom Clancy about a plane that crashed into the White House. Mandy talked about the Diana Gambaldon fantasy story "Dragon fly in Amber" about travelling between the past and present. Wendy talked about the story "Stand by me" a great story by Stephen King. Terry went to the library and found the book by Ted Bullpitt – Put the money on the fridge a funny read. Geoff talked about The "Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society" by Mary Anne Shaffer a very funny story.

From Gary - The new SOS - Slower Older and Smarter.

Exercise - A description using as many of the senses as possible. Helene waited in line in Macca’s. Gary took us on a carefree picnic. Wendy provided the sights and smells of the school room. Terry took us into a fish and chip shop while Geoff took us shopping in Bunnings.

Homework – Having too much or not enough of something. What would be worse?

27 October 2011

Meeting 26/10/2011.
Present were Terry, Wendy, Dave, Robyn, Leonie and Geoff.
Terry has spoken to Jo about a project she is working on, good luck with it Jo.
Geoff went to Sydney to a 20th anniversary of a writers' group he belongs to.
Leonies' mum has been visiting from Queensland, and the new house is moving along.
Dave has been spending time with some fellow entertainers from the olden days, he's been roadying and having a ball.He also did the Great Ocean Road, enjoyed it very much.
Robyn spent 3 days in Canberra went to the Archives and the War Memorial.
Wendy is going to see Leo Sayer in 2 weeks time.
Word of the day,
Visceral-relating to instincts.  Panache.- With flair and style.
Swingeing-Punishing, severe.  Timorous-timid, scared.
Fug-Stale atmosphere.  Totem- Tribal badge, emblem.
Perplexed- puzzled.  Belie-Contradict, refute.
Quick writes on word of the day were,
Robyn-Jeremy,  a visit to the museum.
Terry, Luna Park A fun/funny day out.
Geoff, Tonified, hilarious comments about you know who.
Leonie, The homecoming, about a soldied having fun.
 Wendy, A poem about naughty boys at school,
Terry, What if-A sad and funny poem, making us think about life.
Leonie, Family-A lovely story about lasting love.
Wendy, Midsomer- A funny poem about living in Midsomer.
Dave, QuandarHilarious poem about people.
We discussed a book Robyn had from an Aboriginal writer called Max Dulumummun Harrison
All about legends and beliefs.
Wendy spoke about Kathy Reichs who is a Forensic Anthropologist, and writes books.
Homework for next week is  End of the tunnel.

20 October 2011


Dave printed the new format for the writers group and handed it out. Mandy has spare copies.
News of the Day.
Wendy went to see Red Dog and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mandy. Had a full body scan and waiting for results.
Gary. Enjoying having all his sisters and family around him.
Geoff. Nothing major just enjoyed his week.
Terry. Has decided to write a longer piece of writing, loosely based on his fathers life. To be done in prose
Dave  Very proud of his daughters and showed us their swimming achievement .
He needs picking up from hospital if it is the weekend after his hip operation next week..

Word of the Day
Geoff.   Picayune ...small. petty, mean, trivial
Garry. Readability meaning something very worth while to read.
Mandy. Solecism when someone grammatically uses a word making the sentence sound slightly absurd often when foreigners do it unintentionally.
Wendy. Indefatigable. Untiring Industrious or persistent.
Dave  Sinistral...of the left hand.
Terry. Read an article on words. Very interesting and funny.

We then did a quick write on the words above.
Wendy started us off and did hers in rhyming form.
Mandy and Gary stuck to a quick write.
Geoff tried to include the words in a sports write.
Terry. He did a funny poem well done and good.
Dave is just as clever and did it in poem form.

Wendy did a poem called Why. She wanted to be a super model but was a foot too short. A funny poem.
Mandy wrote a short story called One of Their own. A funny tale.
Wendy Dave and Mandy were only the ones who did their homework. Our Halos shine.
Dave read out his in a poem we all enjoyed his usual funny self.

Stopped for afternoon tea and a natter.

Book Author Discussion.
Geoff.  Raymond Carver he spoke about the style of his writing. Mainly short stories. The film Jindabyne was based on his story So Much Water. American writer. He died two years ago at 45.
Peter Carey. Terry enjoys the way he does his characters and the style he presents them in his novels.
Gary. Jeffery Archer. All about the Masonic Lodge and how they operate. He found it brought back lots of memories of his childhood and his Nan going to the women's Eastern Star Order.
Mandy is enjoying Wilbur Smith. She enjoyed the history and the way he makes you feel like the characters he portrays. Adventure stories with a difference.
We talked about several other authors.
Wendy talked about the Lovely Bones. by Alice Sebold. She told us about the author.
Dave, Spoke about Isabel Allende  a Spanish writer, her books have been translated into many languages. Writes in a very poetic way and Dave enjoys it. He read a passage of her book aloud.

Members On Going Works.
Geoff read some of his work in progress. Based in Japan it is really interesting as Geoff has lived in Japan and can describe the country and people in a believable way.
Mandy read from her current novel War on Words. A story loosely based on her mothers life. Mainly just ideas and some events.

Quick Write On the Carbon Tax. We all had ideas and Wendy decided Shane Warne was a much better subject than the Carbon Tax. Some did it in rhyme.

Wendy set the homework 'What If" this can cover anyt topic.

Please note this week the men outweighed the women by two to one. Wendy and Mandy handled the situation with their usual panache.

12 October 2011

Record of meeting 12 October 2011

Present: Terry, David R, Wendy, Mandy, Helene, Geoff, Robyn

We held a general discussion on critiquing of other people's work.  It was agreed that we should directly ask a member if we want feedback. 
In addition we had quite a discussion regarding the way we run the weekly meetings. 
Excellent and important feedback was received from existing and other members currently not attending. It was agreed that the brag/news session at the beginning had got out of hand and was becoming a bit of a talk fest. We agreed to trial the following general outline in future meetings and modify it as we go to get the best outcome for all members. 

1 pm – 2:30 pm
Short news (2 minutes max. each)
Word of the day
Quick write from words of the day (10 mins max)
Reading that quick write
Homework reading (allocated from previous week)

approx. 2:30 pm afternoon tea

Remainder of afternoon
Book/Author discussion ( share a taste of your favourite book or author)
Major project reading (share part of your bigger project)
Homework setting

Word of the day
Wendy – disingenuous - lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; false or hypocritical. Mandy – sagacities – foresight, good judgement. 
Helene - abroad - English people going to Europe. 
Geoff – sycophant – A person who uses flattery to gain favour with someone in power 
Terry – vivify – to give life or make it more vivid or animate. 
David R - Gordian knot – difficult or involved problem.

Homework reading
"What is the one invention I could not live without"
David R – The unicorn – prose on an explosion and a ship and a poem My vibrator
Wendy – a funny poem about the flushing loo. 
Mandy – Being digested - memories of life before, and since, electricity. 
Helene – the lovely one. 
Terry – grey matter...my brain

David R read a poem about word homework. 
Geoff read more of his novel set in Tokyo.

Quick write from words of the day
Helene – the Gordian knot. 
Geoff - the tour guide. 
Terry – poem on writing. 
Robyn – on a tour. 
David R – two poems about disappearing abroad. 
Wendy – a poem - Vivifying my marriage.

Homework - A packet of nuts, 2 lbs of flour and a bag of fertiliser. What was it for?

06 October 2011


Attending Terry McLafferty . Leonie Worthy. Mandy Byrne
We were very light on the ground this week.
Word of the Day
Antebellum This refers to a house built during or after the American Civil War.
Cosy…The origin is Scottish and is used in different countries differently. You can describe a room as cosy and in America and Canada you cosy up to someone.
Extant…means existing  now…it can be an old law still used today.
Akimbo…To stand with your arms up with hands resting on your hips.
Cadre…It means a small cell of trained zealous revolutionaries. 
Infant…An angel whose wings get smaller as its legs get taller. (Think about it)
Terry…Unicorn Unicorn. A poem. A really funny poem and we loved it. Noah's Ark will never be the same again after Terry's poem.
Leonne. The Magic of colour. A short story. Dreams of Unicorns as in all dreams anything is possible.
Mandy. The Little Mother. A short story of a child that could imagine anything and lived her dreams.
Our Quick Write was No More Secrets.
We spent an hour doing this enjoying having time.
What is the one invention you could not live without and why?

A short meeting but we spun it out till the time alloctated and enjoyed ourselves.

Terry is concerned that our meetings might be getting a bit same old, same old.  If anyone has any new ideas for our meetings we want to hear about them.