28 October 2015

Record of meeting - 28 October 2015

Reminder - Christmas lunch 
12 noon Thursday 10 December 2015 –
The Lodge Sanctuary Point

The writers

Terry, Juan, Wendy, 
Diane, Cath, Helene,
Pauline, Leonie

Words of the day

Karma = future fate

Vexation = annoyance

Scourge = plague, affliction

Veritable = true, real or actual

Simple = easily understood, humble

Assiduous = diligent, perseverance

Retribution = personal vengeance for evil deeds

Devious = insincere and dishonest, indirect

Writing from words of the day

The writers used the words of the day to assemble a range of stories on -Sleeping pills, Annexing properties, Enjoying the Tapestry, Tell the truth, In the dock, Mayoral or electric chair, Climate change and It comes easily to my family.

Reading of homework

Five dedicated writers read out homework on the topics - Guess what I found, Rat ruined a good pair of boots, Not on my lawn, Foot wanting eyes and Outside the Op shop.

Discussion on trial of DVDs as a training aid

It was agreed we would trial on 11 November the use of DVDs for exercises for writing. Yuan will supply the DVDs.


1. We used the word Encyclopaedia to start each sentence to write stories and poems for the amazing stories - Entwined daily, Too much information, Enjoying a day at the beach, Imagine I’m a butcher, No way I can read it, Brocchili recipe and Every morning.

2. We started progressive writes with the sentence “The sacred cows have come home to roost”. The writers created stories and poems with a focus on - Eggs, milk and manure, Scrambled eggs, An extension to the chicken pen, I know the feeling, No mate and Tweezers in the roosting cage.


Interaction with a famous person or celebrity – make it fact or fiction 
Jennifer Anniston

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