01 August 2018

Record of meeting 1 August 2018

The writers

Terry, Helene, Trevor  
Apologies - Pauline

The words of the day

Whimsy - flight of imagination, dream, vision

Scandal – disgrace, shame, humiliation

Flout – to mock or treat with contempt

Decimate – Originally to reduce by 10% and

        Currently – to destroy most of

Fraud – con, scam, swindle

Chaperone – a person who accompanies another person or group

Writing from words of the day

The three diligent writers decimated the words of the day and wrote about Cooee, The date and In the Judges vision.

Reading of homework

The writers read out stories about - Women covered up, In Sport and at the beach.

Exercise The music was loud

The writers took a series of phrases and words and wrote about - Wax and iced finger buns, A rubber duck and Buy a cake.

 Exercise – Oh ho – moving forward

The writers turned a negative rejection into a positive as they wrote about - You too, The story of the year and The best review a way of looking at things.

Exercise - Bright star

Each writer created a blub for the back cover of the book titled Bright Star. Those descriptions were about Early years about Nicole, A star in my life and Rusty Star


Choose a window, stare out of the window and record your daydream.

29 July 2018

Meeting 25th July 2018

Attended...Pat, Trevor, Pauline, Terry

Dissent...differ in opinion
Apoplexy...arresting power of sense and motion
Imprecate...invoking evil
Impregnable...proof against attack
Haslet...piece of pig's fry for roasting
Mistral...cold wind

Poems by three and one prose...all interesting thoughts and concepts

Homework...Clouds on the Horizon

Several approaches to a subject based on the upcoming blood red moon.

After our break we discussed a range of topics none of which resulted in actual written work but thought provoking anyway.

Homework...A dialogue re Equality