22 August 2018

Record of meeting 22 August 2018

The writers

Helene, Trevor and Pat met in the sunshine on the deck of the Vincentia Golf Club.
Apologies from Terry

The words of the day

Gyre – short for gyration

Gyve – to fetter (captive, bind)

Relish – flavour taste or enjoy

Scurrilous – making or spreading scandalous claims about someone

Misanthrope – a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society

Writing from words of the day

The writers relished the challenge and wrote about - Too much gyration, The budgie smuggler and The Catholic Church.

Reading of homework

Two musically gifted writers wrote songs about - I have MAD and The lady in white

Exercise - a body in the gutter

The writers used their gruesome imaginations and wrote about - In the laneway, Is it a trap? and A beautiful necklace.

Exercise – No bull

The writers grabbed the bull by the horns and wrote about short skirts, Buy me drinks and have olive skin.

Exercise – a visit to Collingwood beach


Shadows don’t scare me