05 December 2018

Record of meeting 5 December 2018

The writers

Helene, Pauline, Trevor. Apologies Terry, Pat, Fran

Meetings over Christmas and New Year

We plan to have meetings on 12 Dec, 19 Dec 2018 and starting back on 9 January 2019.

The words of the day

Levity – light hearted

Merry – cheerful and lively

Tribunal – a body to settle disputes

Scrambling – climbing and altering a message

Leucocytes – white or colourless blood cells

Bullroarer – rhombus or ancient musical instrument

Using a bullroarer

Aboriginal bullroarer

Writing from words of the day

The triumvirate of writers were merry as they scrambled and wrote about - Through the mountains, In the children’s ward and red blood was running.

Reading of homework

The three writers read homework about - A visit to Sydney, Shapes in the square and A three month back packing trip.

Exercise – I caught Santa doing ………

The writers created stories about - Santa was filling his bag with our toys, Santa was using a bullroarer and Santa was a shoplifting.

Exercise – a sigh

The writers sighed as they wrote about - Churchill memories, He sighed many times and Call the ambulance now or wait.


Christmas – love it or hate it - Write another chapter of your novel or poem for your publication