08 September 2018

Meeting 5th Sept 2018

Attending...Terry, Pat, Fran, Trevor....Apology from Helene

Parry..............       ward off
Qualm........           uneasiness, misgiving
Misnomer...          incorrect use of a name...eg French fries are actually Belgian fries and your "funny        
                             isn't actually a bone but a nerve as opposed to a malapropism which is replacing a
                            word with an incorrect one that sounds the same but is not. e.g. the boon on a yacht
                            is actually the boom, the mask is actually the mast.
Patronise...........belittle, demean
Derogatory........a put-down, compromising someone's dignity

As usual a range of subjects using these words

Homework read by Pat, Trevor and Terry and Terry read Helene's contribution. All related to the
"Crime Noir" genre.
We discussed Helene's suggestion that if people don't want to write crime then they can do whatever they wanted. We agreed that selecting a particular genre, as we have done, allows us to focus better.

Continuation of short stories in the "Crime noir" genre.