04 April 2018

Record of meeting 4 April 2018

The writers

Terry, Jo, Trevor, Helene

The words of the day
Disdain- contempt

Purport – to claim
Satiate – to satisfy

Floozie – girl of loose morals
Crapulous - ill after eating too much

Dysania – hard to get out of bed in the morning

Ball tampering - unlawful alteration of the surface or seam
Poultice – applied to relieve soreness and inflammation

Trumpery – deceit or fraud, things that look good but are useless

Writing from words of the day
The writers contributed multiple words to satiate our need for writing. We created the stories - Reading on my day bed, Dad was going red, The annual ball and In a strip club.

Reading of homework
The writers read out their homework on the topics - The lisp, Just a little accident, Maintenance matters and The visitor.

Exercise – use the word me 33 times in a story

The writers had fun and some thought outside the square to write interesting stories about - The baton, She and the letter, An only child and At the white house.

Exercise - Three memories of a banana and a story from that

The writers were inspired by the banana and wrote about - Homage to the banana, When I was six and In Coffs Harbour.


Read week 6 from “A novel in a year” by Louise Doughty and write something inspired by the chapter.